
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
TitleSpiritual commonplace book
Datelate 18th century-early 19th century
Description Leather volume with one clasp. Inscribed on first page: H. Fermor / Liege March 1790 / Lord teach me how to pray. / I will speak to the Lord though I am but dust & ashes. / Lord.
The hand changes throughout.
- A devout Method of hearing Mass, pp 1-4.
- The Litany of St Teresa, pp 5-7.
- A Manner of Uniting our Heart to that of Jesus, pp 8-9.
- The Prayer of the [?]lavage to be renew'd twice a Year on a feast of our Lord and one one of our Lady, p 10.
- A Plenary Indulgence is granted to those who say the following Prayer with Devotion after Communion, pp 13-14.
- A Novena to the ever blessed Virgin, pp 15-18.
- A Prayer made by Pope Sixtus the 5th who granted to those who recite it, an Indulgence of 11000 Years, which Indulgence was afterwards confirmed by Paul the 5th & Alexander the 7th, pp 19-20.
- A prayer when you find great difficulty in the performance of your Duty, pp 21-22. Pagination stops.
- How to put away Distractions, [pp 23-27].
- Of Humility the Ground work of Perfection, [pp 27-29].
- A series of prayers, meditations etc. in French, [pp 30-39].
- Pious Reflections & [ . . .] before Communion, [pp 41-46].
- Pious Reflections after Communion, [pp 47-48].
- French prayer [p 49].
- St Columban Speaking of the contempt of the world [and extracts from other spiritual writers], [pp 55-62].
- Advice how to draw fruit from prayer, [pp 63-66].
- Reflections before the Renovation, [pp 66-72].
- The Review of Every Month, [pp 73-78].
- Meditation for the Renovation of Vows, [pp 78-86].
- A Method how make Reflection upon Ourselves every Month, [pp 86-91]. This includes some French passages.
- De l'Examen de la Meditation, [pp 92-96].
- French prayers [pp 100-105].
- The End of the Devotion of the 5 Fridays in honour of St Mary Magdalen de Pazzis, [pp 106-20].
- Acts de Consécration au Sacré Coeur de Jesus, [pp 120-27].
- La Methode qu'il fait . . . per faire les considerations, [pp 128-30].
- Considerations for the . . . of Recollection, [pp 130-38].
- Chapters in Kempis for the Renovation, [pp 138-39].
- A Preparation for the Renovation. To be read before the first Meditation. By the Rev. Father Roberts [vere Rouse] Rector 1745, [pp 139-44].
- Taken from a Consideration delivered by the Revd Doc. ch [?], [pp 145-51].
- Various French prayers and meditations, [pp 151-80].
- La vrai religieuse est un victime volontaire de la solitude, [pp 182-205].
- English meditations and extracts [pp 205-09]. The remaining pages are blank.

Beginning at the back: English and French payer on the frontispiece.
- Revd. Father Kemper's instruction for the Renovation, [pp 2-72].
- Exercice de l'Ame qui fait sa Profession a Dieu, [pp 73-93]. Eight blank pages separate these from the reflections that begin at the other end.

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