
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Date[19th century]
DescriptionLarge sheets:
- 2x On prayer, mass, holy communion & spiritual reading
- Considerations by Fr Clifton
- On our vocation to Christianity
- On the circumsion
- On Christ's life from 12 years of age to 30
- Consideration on the mortification of the Passions
- Meditation on the agony in the garden
- Instructions of our Lord Jesus to a faithful soul
- 3rd point Considerations
- On Practising solid virtue from a motive of gratitude, (Lythgoe)
- 1st day's med
- Preparatory meditation
- Consideration on mental prayer
- Prep discourse (Fr Bridge)
- 2 x Meditation on rooting out self love
- Fourth day third meditation
- Fragment copied Triduum 1835
- On med for r[enwal of] vows
- Meditation for the renovation day
- 3 other mediations sheets

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