
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
TitleWilliam Strickland letters
DescriptionThis volume contains 79 letters written by Fr William Strickland SJ, spanning a period from 26 April 1786 to 24 September 1811. The early letters are written to various Jesuits and are concerned mostly with matters of property and finances and difficulties with Fr Talbot SJ. The majority of the letters from 1800 onwards are written to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst following his installation as Provincial. Many are concerned with the Paccanarists’ aggregation to the Society and the reestablishment of the Society in England and opposition to this within the Church. There are several letters where Strickland has copied out in Latin letters from Fr General Gabriel Gruber SJ and his successor Fr General Tadeusz Brzozowski SJ in St Petersburg. Throughout the volume as well as discussions about finances and property, there are occasional death announcements and mentions of the names of various students and novices. The volume also includes letters to Jesuits in Lisbon and Palermo and references about the Society in Ireland and Scotland and the Chinese, Canadian and American missions.

NB there is conflicting pagination and the pagination referred to in this calendar is that used by Fr John Pollen SJ whose Contents pages at the beginning of the volume provide a useful index.
Related MaterialScan of index can be found at V:\Common Folder\Calendars
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.


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