
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/PC/1/26/5
TitleFr Pollen's Notebook
DescriptionNotebook contains sepia photographs of Farm Street Church and its neighbourhood in the early 20th century. Most photographs are undated but two have been marked 1909. Photographs include numerous views of the church, its interior, and the Jesuit House from different vantage points, and captures aspects of local life: shop fronts; street scenes; Grosvenor Riding School and horse and cart on Farm Street; a picture of buildings on Euston Road is used to illustrate the type of building the Jesuits lived in prior to moving to Farm Street. The notebook contains Fr Pollen's annotations, captions, and quotations from Edward Caswall's 'The Sanctuary of the Church' and 'Alto ex Olympi Vertice', Congreve's 'The Mourning Bride', and Milton's 'Il Penseroso'. Notebook and contents are undated. Contains 20 pages, 38 photographs.
Physical DescriptionSome of the photographs are badly faded, have creases, damage to edges, and are punctured where pins have been used to fix them into the notebook.

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