
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/SJ/169/2/2
TitleRetreat programmes
DescriptionProgrammes of retreats that Fr Richard Copeland SJ may have attended. Includes retreats at Park Place Pastoral Centre, Hengrave Hall Centre (an introduction to the riches of Muslim Spirituality), Upholland Northern Institute, Graysshott, Foyer, de Charite de la 'part-dieu', Order of the Most Holy Saviour Swedish Bridgettines, Conference at Hazlewood Castle (1978), & The City of Birmingham Pastoral Council, Craighead Retreat House (Glasgow), Cenacle retreats & courses, Campion Renewal Centre, Jesuit House of Spirituality (Dublin), Guelph Centre of Spirituality (Canada), Tabor Community House, Immaculate Heart Retreat House, & Chapel of the Holy Cross (Arizona).

Also includes several Clergy Prayer Day programmes from Fr John Edwards SJ and an extract from Chaplain's Weekly (Rhodesian (now Zimbabwe) edition), on Spiritual Exercises programme.
FormatPrinted document
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.
DS/UK/891Edwards; John (1929-2012); Jesuit Priest1929-2012

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