
RepositoryUshaw College Library
Ref NoUC/P25
TitleJohn Lingard Papers
Date1815 - 1851
DescriptionThe papers of John Lingard chiefly consist of a correspondence series of original letters and transcripts arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Correspondents include Joseph Mawman, Charles Newsham, Nicholas Wiseman, Robert Tate and John Walker. The correspondence is particularly valuable for offering an insight into Lingard's research methodology and his use of sources in the compilation of Antiquities of the Anglo - Saxon Churchand History of England, and his determination to publish works for a Protestant and Catholic readership is a constant theme throughout. The correspondence also covers many of the major Catholic political issues of the first half of the nineteenth century, particularly Catholic emancipation and the restoration of the hierarchy, as well as internal Catholic affairs, notably various disputes between the bishops and the clergy. The correspondence is also revealing of the attitude of Lingard towards the religious orders and the Oxford Movement, as well as accusations of Jansenism brought against him by various members of the Roman clergy. There is an extensive series of transcripts of the Lingard's letters, including 24 volumes of typed transcripts, as well as 2 binders and 1 suspension file of manuscript transcripts. There are also a series of notebooks containing notes for his History of England, Hornby Obligation Masses, lists of English Jesuits, psalms, catechisms, notes on historical reading; his personal papers which include his baptism certificate and various diplomas; drafts of various works including Antiquities of the Anglo - Saxon Church; and a series of rare printed items, mostly relating to Catholic emancipation.
Related MaterialThe letters of Dr John Lingard to Mrs Thomas Lomax (1835 - 51), ed. J. Trappes - Lomax, Catholic Record Society, 77 (2000); P. Cattermole, John Lingard the historian as apologist’PhD diss., University of Kent at Canterbury, 1984P. Phillips, ed., John Ling
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