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Collapse ABSI - Jesuits in Britain ArchivesABSI - Jesuits in Britain Archives
Expand CM - Jesuit Communities (Cataloguing in progress)CM - Jesuit Communities (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand CSC - Craighead Spirituality CentreCSC - Craighead Spirituality Centre
Expand CU - Provincial Curia (Cataloguing in progress)CU - Provincial Curia (Cataloguing in progress)
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JAM - Jamaica (Cataloguing in progress)
Collapse LC - Educational Institutions (Cataloguing in progress)LC - Educational Institutions (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand 1 - Wimbledon College1 - Wimbledon College
Collapse 2 - St Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool 2 - St Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool
Collapse 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
Collapse 1 - Concerning property1 - Concerning property
1 - Correspondence, accounts, deeds and more concerned with SFX properties in Liverpool
2 - Estimates for the erection of a school on Haigh Street
Collapse 3 - Legal correspondence and papers: purchase of property3 - Legal correspondence and papers: purchase of property
1 - Draft of the lease upon Trust of the St Francis Xavier's School
2 - Letter from [Fr] J[oseph] E. Blackett [SJ] to unidentified person
3 - Letter to Fr [Joseph] Blackett SJ
4 - Letter to Mr [Munster] from [Fr] J[oseph] E. Blackett [SJ]
5 - Draft Lease upon Trust of St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Schools Liverpool
6 - Draft Lease upon Trust of St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Schools Liverpool
7 - Letter to Mr [Munster] from [Fr] J[oseph] E. Blackett [SJ]
8 - Letter to Fr [Joseph E.] Blackett [SJ] from Mr [Munster]
9 - Letter to Fr J[oseph E.] Blackett SJ from Mr J.P. [Munster]
10 - Letter to Mr [Munster] from [Fr] J[oseph] E. Blackett [SJ]
11 - Letter to Fr J[oseph E.] Blackett SJ from Mr J.P. [Munster]
12 - Letter to Fr [Joseph] Blackett [SJ] from Joseph C.
13 - Conveyance of 9, 11 and 13 Salisbury Street
14 - Draft Conveyance of 29, 31 and 33 West side Shaw Street and 21, 23, 25 and 27 Shaw Street
15 - Draft conveyance (to be endorsed on Conveyance of 17 May 1887) of SFX Liverpool
16 - Draft reconveyance of Freehold hereditaments at Haigh Street, Everton (to be endorsed on Mortgage of 4 December 1920)
17 - Draft mortgage of premises situate in Haigh Street to secure the sum of £2000 with interest
18 - Draft mortgage of premises situate in Deysbrook Lane West Derby to secure the sum of £4000 with interest
19 - Declaration by [Fr] Joseph Woodlock [SJ] concerning conveyance
20 - Incomplete property contract
21 - Draft appointment of new Trustees and Conveyance of trust property in Haigh Street
22 - Draft Lease upon Trust of Roman Catholic School St Francis Xavier's
23 - Letter from solicitors Woodburn & Holme
24 - Letter from solicitors Woodburn & Holme
25 - Letter from solicitors Linaker & Linaker
26 - Letter to solicitors Woodburn & Holme
27 - Land Registry form
28 - Land Registry form
29 - Receipt of communication from the Chief Land Registrar to Witham & Co
30 - Letter to the Chief Land Registrar
31 - Letter to Mr Beard
32 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Joseph Reston of Linaker & Linaker solicitors
33 - Note marked 'Trustees for R.C. Purposes'
34 - Letter to Trustees for R.C. Purposes from [J.L.]
35 - Letter to Linaker & Linaker solicitors
36 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Woodburn & Holme solicitors
37 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme solicitors from Witham & Co solicitors
38 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Woodburn & Holme solicitors
39 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Woodburn & Holme solicitors
40 - Letter to Linaker & Linaker solicitors from Witham & Co solicitors
41 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme solicitors from Witham & Co solicitors
42 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from Joseph [Edward]
43 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Woodburn & Holme solicitors
44 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from H.M. Land Registry
45 - Letter to the Chief Land Registrar from [Witham & Co. solicitors]
46 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Chief Land Registrar
47 - Letter to Witham & Co solicitors from Woodburne & Holme solicitors
48 - Letter to Woodburne & Holme solicitors from [Witham & Co]
49 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
50 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
51 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme solicitors from [Witham & Co]
52 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
53 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from Witham & Co
54 - Letter to the Chief Land Registrar from [Witham & Co. solicitors]
55 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
56 - Letter to Witham & Co from the Assistant Superintendent of the Map Branch of the Land Registry
57 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from Witham & Co
58 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
59 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from [Witham & Co]
60 - Letter to Witham & Co. from Woodburn & Holme
61 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from [Witham & Co]
62 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from [Witham & Co]
63 - Letter to the Chief Land Registrar from [Witham & Co.]
64 - Letter to Witham & Co. from Woodburn & Holme
65 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from Woodburn & Holme
66 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from [Witham & Co]
67 - Letter to Fr Joseph E. Weld from [Fr Joseph Meskell SJ]
68 - Letter to Joseph E. Weld from [Fr Joseph Meskell SJ]
69 - Letter to Witham & Co. from Woodburn & Holme
70 - Letter to Witham & Co. from Linaker & Linaker
71 - Letter to the Chief Land Registrar from [Witham & Co]
72 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from [Witham & Co]
73 - Letter to Linaker & Linaker from [Witham & Co]
74 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from [Witham & Co]
75 - Letter to Witham & Co from H.M. Land Registry
76 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from [Witham & Co]
77 - Letter to Fr J[oseph] Meskell SJ from [Witham & Co]
78 - Letter to [Witham & Co] from H.M. Land Registry
79 - Receipt of communication for High Lee, Abbots Lea and Woolton property
80 - Letter from H.M. Land Registry
81 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
82 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from [Witham & Co]
83 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from [Witham & Co]
84 - Letter to Linaker & Linaker from [Witham & Co]
85 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
86 - Letter to Witham & Co from Linaker & Linaker
87 - Letter to Woodburn & Holme from [Witham & Co]
88 - Letter to Witham & Co from Woodburn & Holme
89 - Letter to the Fr Superior of SFX College
4 - Correspondence and papers: work done on St Francis Xavier's College properties
Expand 5 - Correspondence: alterations to SFX property on Shaw Street and Haigh Street5 - Correspondence: alterations to SFX property on Shaw Street and Haigh Street
6 - Correpondence and papers: SFX properties at 'Abbot Lea' and 'Beacon Hill'
Expand 7 - Correspondence and papers: preparations for move to SFX College Woolton site7 - Correspondence and papers: preparations for move to SFX College Woolton site
8 - Correspondence and papers: conversion of St Francis Xavier's College Salisbury Street into Bilateral School for Boys
Expand 9 - Correspondence: alterations to SFX property at Woolton9 - Correspondence: alterations to SFX property at Woolton
10 - Memorandum by [Fr] J[oseph] Dukes SJ
11 - Letter to [Fr Desmond Boyle SJ]
12 - Letter to Fr [Paul] Brassell [SJ] from Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ
13 - Letter to Fr [William] D'Andria from Fr E[dmund] D'Arcy SJ
14 - Letter to Fr [William] D'Andria from Fr E[dmund] D'Arcy SJ
15 - Letter to Fr [Desmond] Boyle SJ from Herbert J, Davis, Berthen & Munro solicitors
16 - Letter from [Fr Francis] Clough [SJ] to Fr Provincial Peter Gallwey SJ
Expand 2 - Concerning finances2 - Concerning finances
Expand 3 - Concerning education legislation3 - Concerning education legislation
Expand 4 - Correspondence concerning staff and governors4 - Correspondence concerning staff and governors
Expand 5 - Correspondence: Dr Hughes Scholarship5 - Correspondence: Dr Hughes Scholarship
Expand 6 - Correspondence: Liverpool & District Catholic Teachers' Association6 - Correspondence: Liverpool & District Catholic Teachers' Association
7 - Correspondence and papers: the Archdiocese of Liverpool Covenant Scheme
8 - Correspondence: Student evacuations
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous correspondence9 - Miscellaneous correspondence
Expand 2 - General administration2 - General administration
Expand 3 - Property3 - Property
Expand 4 - Finances4 - Finances
Expand 5 - School events5 - School events
Expand 6 - Old Xaverian's Association6 - Old Xaverian's Association
Expand 7 - Photographs7 - Photographs
8 - Jesuit Development Fund
9 - Notebook: History of St Francis Xavier's College and Residence, Liverpool
10 - Article: St Francis Xavier's College, Salisbury Street
11 - Advertisment for St Francis Xavier's College
12 - Jesuit transfer form
Expand LH - Loyola Hall LH - Loyola Hall
Expand MSB - Bound Volumes (Cataloguing in progress)MSB - Bound Volumes (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand NSJ - Non Jesuits (Cataloguing in progress)NSJ - Non Jesuits (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand PU - PublicationsPU - Publications
Expand SA - South AfricaSA - South Africa
Expand SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand WS - Other WorksWS - Other Works

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