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Collapse ABSI - Jesuits in Britain ArchivesABSI - Jesuits in Britain Archives
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JAM - Jamaica (Cataloguing in progress)
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Collapse 1 - Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London (Cataloguing in Progress)1 - Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London (Cataloguing in Progress)
Expand 1 - History1 - History
Collapse 2 - Plans, Sketches & Illustrations2 - Plans, Sketches & Illustrations
1 - Early plans
2 - Print of Farm St Church front door
3 - Hand drawn map of Mount St showing no.s 105-117, the workhouse and Church
4 - Annotated map of Farm St and Mount St
5 - Plan of Church roof and plan of St Ignatius Aisle - Romaine Walker & Besant
6 - Plan of Church with St Ignatius Aisle - Romaine Walker
7 - Sketch tracing showing ventilating shaft from stable - Romaine Walker
8 - Williams & Winkley copy of Romaine-Walker plan: Cross section of part of the East side of the Church as it existed and as propsed [1890s]
9 - Williams & Winkley copy of Romaine-Walker plan: Cross-section of the South end of the Church, [1890s]
10 - Williams & Winkley copy of Romaine-Walker plan: Cross-section of the East side of the Church, late 19th-early 20th century
11 - Williams & Winkley copy of Romaine-Walker and Besant plan: Proposed new aisle and chapels, [1890s]
12 - Williams & Winkley copy of Romaine-Walker plan of Church, [1900s]
13 - Elevation of East of Farm St Church with proposed alterations
14 - Plan showing proposed new paving in west porch, by A Gilbert Scott
15 - Tracings of west window by Evie Hone
16 - Cartoons for tracings of Farm St windows by Evie Hone
17 - Sketches of west window by Evie Hone
18 - Plan of west window by Wandsworth Masonry Works
19 - Black and white photograph of the Sanctuary at Farm St Church before alterations, by Bernard C Brown
20 - Proposed alterations to the east side of the Church (St Ignatius Aisle) to allow more light into the building, creator unknown
21 - Plan of Farm St Church, creator unknown
22 - Re-ordering scheme plan with note: 'First division of Farm St to accommodate tenants (garrets), by Williams & Winkley Architects
23 - Study for curved seating layout by Williams & Winkley Architects
24 - Plan of Farm St Church with proposed re-ordering of seating focusing on a circular sanctuary at the east side of the Church, and the baptistery at the south end replacing the existing sanctuary
25 - Plans of Farm St complex including proposed alterations to the Church sanctuary by Broadbent, Hastings, Reid & New
26 - Proposed heating layout by Rosser and Russell Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers
27 - Proposed heating layout by Barrett and Wright Ltd Building Services Engineers
Expand 3 - Church Fabric3 - Church Fabric
Expand 4 - Church Property4 - Church Property
5 - Vows taken at Farm Street Church
Expand 10 - Farm St Notices10 - Farm St Notices
Expand 11 - Services11 - Services
Expand 12 - Finance12 - Finance
Expand 13 - Sodalities & Confraternities13 - Sodalities & Confraternities
Expand 14 - Publications14 - Publications
15 - Catholic Stage Guild & Interval Club
Expand 16 - Individuals linked to the Church16 - Individuals linked to the Church
Expand 17 - Audio-Visual Material17 - Audio-Visual Material
Expand 18 - Miscellaneous folders18 - Miscellaneous folders
19 - Pontifical Approbation 1840: copy of a correspondence between the Rt Rev Dr Griffiths and Rev Fr Bird SJ, May 1840, regarding the sanctioning of a Chapel in London, and duplicate copy of text 'Ex Audientia Sanctissimi' ('the audience with his Holiness'), 23 April 1843
20 - Certificate of Incorporation of the American Chapel - Farm St Church Corporation
21 - Programme for visit of the Archdiocesan Choir of Saint Louis, Missouri
22 - Pictures of Farm St Church - mounted photographs, cartoons, some text, probably used for display/exhibition
23 - Exercise book with notes on various topics, including Sodalities, the calendar, the Superior's ex officio sermon, confessions and finance. The author is unknown. A note on the first page reads: 'These notes were written in no particular order, but just as the points came to my mind'. Further notes have been added in a different hand. There is also an insert of an earlier date, written in Latin, which appears to be rules regarding visitors to the house.
24 - Correspondence file
Expand 25 - St Agnes Church, Lac-Mégantic, Quebec25 - St Agnes Church, Lac-Mégantic, Quebec
Expand 26 - Images26 - Images
27 - Manuscript notes on The Church
28 - Illuminated manuscript: 'Ritus Servandus in Expositione et Benedictione Sanctissimi Sacramenti'
Expand 2 - Sacred Heart, Wimbledon2 - Sacred Heart, Wimbledon
Expand 3 - Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, Manchester (Cataloguing in progress)3 - Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, Manchester (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand PU - PublicationsPU - Publications
Expand SA - South AfricaSA - South Africa
Expand SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand WS - Other WorksWS - Other Works

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