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ABSI - Jesuits in Britain Archives
CM - Jesuit Communities (Cataloguing in progress)
CSC - Craighead Spirituality Centre
CU - Provincial Curia (Cataloguing in progress)
DC - Deposited Collections
GUY - Guyana
JAM - Jamaica (Cataloguing in progress)
LC - Educational Institutions (Cataloguing in progress)
LH - Loyola Hall
MSB - Bound Volumes (Cataloguing in progress)
NSJ - Non Jesuits (Cataloguing in progress)
PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)
PU - Publications
SA - South Africa
SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)
1 - Fr Cuthbert Cary-Elwes SJ (1867-1945)
2 - Fr Henry Davis SJ (1886-1952)
3 - Fr John Luck SJ (1867-1950)
4 - Fr Francis Donohoe SJ (1876-1938)
5 - Fr Joseph Paul SJ (1881-1975)
6 - Fr William Maher SJ (1823-1877)
7 - Fr Frederick Hathaway SJ (1814-1891)
10 - St John Ogilvie SJ (1579-1615)
13 - Archbishop Thomas d'Esterre Roberts SJ (1893-1976)
14 - Fr Ralph Baines SJ (1885-1959)
17 - Fr James Splaine SJ (1834-1901)
18 - Fr Robert Henry Joseph Steuart SJ (1874-1948)
21 - Fr Martin Cyril D'Arcy SJ (1888-1976)
23 - Fr Bernard Farrell SJ (1904-1977)
24 - Fr Bernard Swindells SJ (1887-1977)
25 - Fr Henry Dalton SJ (1903-1977)
27 - Fr James Brennan SJ (1906-1977)
28 - Fr Kevin Booth SJ (1906-1977)
29 - Br Thomas Moore SJ (1901-1977)
30 - Fr William Cuthbert Donnelly SJ (1901-1977)
31 - Fr Edmund Lester SJ (1866-1934)
32 - Fr Augustus Law SJ (1833-1880)
33 - Fr Matthew Ingram SJ (1881-1941)
34 - Fr Bernard Vaughan SJ (1847-1922)
36 - Fr Richard Garrold SJ (1874-1920)
37 - Fr Charles Raymond-Barker SJ (1859-1955)
38 - Fr Henry Mather SJ (1887-1963)
39 - Fr Wilfrid Banham SJ (1893-1963)
40 - Fr William Keary SJ (1881-1958)
42 - Fr Gerard Wilson-Browne SJ (1911-1975)
47 - Fr Francis Devas SJ (1877-1951)
48 - Bishop James Etheridge SJ (1808-1877)
50 - Fr Michael Hannan SJ (1909-1977)
51 - Fr Leslie Walker SJ (1877-1958)
52 - Fr Peter Prestage SJ (1842-1907)
53 - Fr Thomas Corbishley SJ (1903-1976)
54 - Bl John Sullivan SJ (Irish Province) (1861-1933)
55 - Fr John Murray SJ (1897-1971)
56 - Fr Peter Knott SJ (1926-2017)
57 - Fr Alfred Thomas SJ (1925-1985)
62 - Br Francis McIntee SJ (1882-1978)
63 - Fr Francis Roberts SJ (1910-1978)
64 - Fr Joseph Tomlinson SJ (1894-1978)
65 - Fr Patrick Treanor SJ (1920-1978)
68 - Fr Henry Widlake SJ (1910-1978)
69 - Fr Edward Callaghan SJ (1921-1978)
71 - Fr Reginald Carrington SJ (1901-1978)
73 - Fr Edmund Conyers D'Arcy SJ (1885-1967)
76 - Fr John Costigan SJ (1916-1978)
77 - Fr Desmond Donovan SJ (1927-1978)
79 - Fr Niall Corbett SJ (1901-1972)
80 - Fr Cyril Martindale SJ (1879-1963)
1 - Diaries
2 - Correspondence
1 - Letters with the Apostleship of the Sea
2 - Letters with the B.B.C.
3 - Letters with publishers
4 - Letters from the Vatican
5 - Golden Jubilee
6 - Padre Pio Correspondence
7 - Fatima Correspondence
8 - Denmark: During WWII
9 - Letters with individuals
1 - Valentine Ackland
2 - Letter from Maurice Ahern
3 - Alys (cousin)
4 - Peter Frederick Anson
5 - Thomas P. Armonde
6 - Fr Graham A[uchinleck]
7 - Joseph Tei Baafor
8 - Anna Barlow
9 - Fr John Barton
10 - Michael de la Bedoyere
11 - [Frederick] de Belinay SJ
12 - Jack and Molly Bell
13 - Fr Bergin
14 - Letter from A.M. Beylund
15 - Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ
16 - Frances J. Blackburn
17 - John Blyh SJ
18 - Fr Francis Bourne
19 - Fr John D[esmond] Boyle SJ
20 - John Broadbent
21 - J. Brod SJ
22 - Fr W.E. Browne
23 - Letter from S. Burler
24 - Letter from Fr Gerard Bussy SJ
25 - Letter from Francis Bywater
26 - Letter from Mary Campbell
27 - [Fr] Phillip Caraman SJ
28 - [Fr] John Carmel
29 - Douglas Carter
30 - Letter from N. Chatterji
31 - Postcard from I. Evans and Desmond Chute
32 - Fred Copeman
33 - Letter from [Fr] T[homas] Corbishley [SJ]
34 - Leonard Cheshire
35 - Sue Ryder Cheshire
36 - Fr John Coventry SJ
37 - A. Christie
38 - A[nnie] Christitch
39 - A. Selmer Crane
40 - Letter from [Fr] Paul Crane SJ
41 - Letter from [William Robert Bradley Craven], Earl of Craven
42 - Fr J.D. Crichton
43 - [Fr] Ivor Daniel
44 - Fr Martin Cyril D'Arcy SJ
45 - P[hilip] R[alph] Davies-Cooke
46 - Fr William Dempsey SJ
47 - Fr Christopher Devlin SJ
48 - Madeleine Devlin
49 - John [P.] Doland
50 - Filipo Donini
51 - R.P. Donnelly
52 - [Fr] William Cuthbert Donnelly SJ
53 - Charles L.H. Duchemin
54 - John Kimbell Ross-Duggan
55 - Helen Parry Eden
56 - Fr Rudolph Elwes
57 - Mother Madeleine Eugenie
58 - Letter to Mother Madeleine Eugenie
59 - Reginald Evans
60 - Lea Fitzgerald
61 - J[ames] Fitzsimons SJ
62 - Muriel J. L. Frazer
63 - Jonal S. Freeman SJ
64 - Gertrude Frith
65 - Mr and Mrs Fry
66 - Hilda Graef
67 - Paul Grosjean
68 - Fr P.V. Hackett SJ
69 - Susan Hill
70 - Christian Holmgaard
71 - Letter from Bernard Joeveus
72 - Letter from [Fr] F[rancis] Johanny SJ
73 - Letter from Frank E. Johnson
74 - Letter from Arnold Jordan
75 - Hack Kampmann
76 - David Victor and Marie Noele Kelly
77 - Fr Cuthbert King SJ
78 - Harry Knox
79 - Bazyli and Eileen Labenski
80 - P. Larranney
81 - Fr Cuthbert Lattey SJ
82 - S. P[atrick] Lawlor SJ
83 - Phil Leighhurst
84 - Sidney Lescher
85 - Sir Shane Leslie
86 - Aline Lion
87 - Martin L[ishton]
88 - Freddy and B. Long
89 - L. Lovad
90 - C[hristian] Holstein Lovenom
91 - Henryk Lubomirski SJ
92 - D[huk] Horrell
93 - Ian MacAlister
94 - M.F.C. Macdonald
95 - Archbishop Daniel Mannix
96 - Mary Mark
97 - Luis Marmes
98 - Arthur Martindale
99 - Helen Martindale
100 - Fr Andrew McCann SJ
101 - William S. McCarthy
102 - Fr Peter McKeefry
103 - Jed McMahon
104 - Fr W[illiam] McMullin SJ
105 - Dr. K.F. McMur[trie]
106 - M. McSharry
107 - Letter from Barney Miller
108 - Jo Miller
109 - Fr Ronald Moffat SJ
110 - Miss Molineux
111 - Naomi
112 - Fr Antonine Newman
113 - R.A. Noble
114 - Gerry Noel
115 - Alfred Noyes
116 - Gerald O'Collins SJ
117 - Gerald [Patrick] O'Hara
118 - Lady Mary O'Malley
119 - Alfred O'Rahilly
120 - Dorothia and Richard O'Sullivan
121 - Maria and D. Palmella
122 - M. Pauline
123 - Mildred Pearson
124 - Anne Pedler
125 - J.B.S. Pedler
126 - Ms Perkins
127 - H[erbert] Moore Pim
128 - Arthur Pollen
129 - Letter from Fr Redmond Prendiville
130 - Fr Charles Pridgeon SJ
131 - Gabriele Rabel
132 - Letter from Bill Randall
133 - Fr William F[rancis] Rea SJ
134 - J.C. Reid
135 - Dr. Reinert
136 - S[teuart] S. Roulston
137 - E. Osborne Ryan
1 - Letters collected by Ryan 1909-1924
2 - Letters collected by Ryan 1925-1963
3 - Extracts from letters to E.O. Ryan
4 - Letter from E. O[sborne] Ryan
5 - Letter from [E. Osborne] Ryan
6 - Letter from E. O[sborne] R[yan]
7 - Letter from E. O[sborne] R[yan]
8 - Letter from E. O[sborne] R[yan]
9 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
10 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
11 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
12 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
13 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
14 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
15 - Letter from E. O[sborne] R[yan]
16 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
17 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
18 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
19 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
20 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
21 - Letter from E. Osborne Ryan
22 - Letter from [E. Osborne] Ryan
138 - Fr Wilfrid Ryan SJ
139 - Fr John J. Scullion SJ
140 - Albert W[illiam] Searles
141 - Thomas G.G. Senghore
142 - G.D. Smith
143 - Mrs Muriel Swan
144 - Bob and Mary Taylor
145 - Reginald F. Trevett
146 - Veronica Spencer-Bull [Warden of Poplar Settlement]
147 - Chloe T[orkin]
148 - Basil Charles Trappes-Lomax
149 - Letter from Michael Trappes-Lomax
150 - Thomas Trappes-Lomax
151 - John Tye
152 - Frank Uhlir
153 - J.P. Valentin
154 - Edmund Valkenburg
155 - Bellina Vare
156 - D.G. Vauce
157 - G.B. Wackerley SJ
158 - Fr James Walsh SJ
159 - Evelyn Waugh
160 - E. Ward
161 - Mary [Wells]
162 - Dr Thomas Douglas Whittet
163 - Hugh Ron Williamson
164 - Fr Benjamin Winterborn SJ
165 - Wilfrid Woollen
166 - Fred Crichard
167 - Miguel d'Almeida Pile [Consul General of Portuguese Consulate in London]
168 - Peter Dickson
169 - Duncan Ferguson
170 - Fitzroy Fyers
171 - Aldo Giorda[ni]
172 - Vivien and Graham Greene
173 - Joseph Hammermüller
174 - Michael Hanbury
175 - Y. Hansen
176 - Gerard Heffey
177 - Letter from Fr Emil A. Heiring
178 - John Henderson
179 - R.D. Howard
180 - Sister Anne Hughes
181 - Alice King-Stephens
182 - Jan Lecher
183 - Joe Lennox
184 - Johannes Nansen
185 - Michael Nolan
186 - Hugh O'Neill
187 - Bernard Orchard
188 - George W. [Orp]wood
189 - Maurice [A.] Parmentia
190 - Harold [Pitman]
191 - Edward Quinn
192 - Elizabeth Rothenstein
193 - Edith Saunders
194 - T.A.J. Shrey
195 - Fr J. Shryane
196 - Cynthia Spencer [Queen Elizabeth II's lady-in-waiting]
197 - [Fr] Arthur Tempest SJ
198 - Letters to James France
199 - T Gordon Brown
10 - Letters about C.C. Martindale
11 - Miscellaneous
12 - Unidentified Correspondence
3 - Martindale's Writing
4 - Fatima & Lisbon
5 - Papers on the bicentenary of SS Aloysius & Stanislaus
6 - Articles about Fr Martindale
7 - Prizes and Awards
8 - Ecclesiastical and legal certificates
9 - Childhood and early youth
10 - Creative pieces by Martindale
11 - Photographs
12 - Miscellaneous
13 - Portrait
83 - Fr Herbert Preston SJ (1897-1969)
84 - Fr Francis Preston SJ (1903-1979)
86 - Archbishop Aston Chichester SJ (1879-1962)
87 - Fr Thomas Lakeland SJ (1900-1979)
88 - Fr Joseph Keating SJ (1865-1939)
89 - Fr Luke Bellanti SJ (1882-1955)
90 - Fr Leo Batley SJ (1891-1963)
91 - Fr George Barrett SJ (1879-1962)
92 - Fr John Gerard SJ (1840-1912)
93 - Fr Hubert McEvoy (1899-1973)
96 - Fr Robert Mills SJ (1900-1979)
97 - Fr Eustace Dudley SJ (1883-1956)
98 - Fr Charles Annacker SJ (1868-1920)
102 - Fr Charles Bert SJ (1869-1952)
103 - Robert Baxendale SJ (1943-1968)
105 - Fr Dermod Whyte SJ (1907-1975)
106 - Fr Richard Worsley SJ (1889-1972)
107 - Fr John Ryder SJ (1900-1979)
108 - Fr William McEntegart SJ (1891-1979)
110 - Fr Lawrence Murphy SJ (1888-1979)
111 - Br Guy Ames SJ (1903-1979) (Jamshedpur Province)
113 - Fr Bernard Darke SJ (1925-1979)
114 - Br James McCann SJ (1907-1979)
115 - Fr Francis Keating SJ (1899-1972)
119 - Fr James Nicholson SJ (1855-1934)
122 - Fr John McCluskey SJ (1870-1921)
128 - Br Hugh McElrone SJ (1905-1980)
129 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1903-1980)
130 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1848-1926)
137 - Fr Charles Sidney de Vere Beauclerk SJ (1855-1934)
142 - Fr Francis Woodlock SJ (1871-1940)
148 - Fr Peter Blake SJ (1903-1981)
151 - Fr Bernard Weatherhead SJ (1901-1982)
153 - Fr Richard Birch SJ (1920-1981)
154 - Fr Arnold Warneken SJ (1903-1981)
155 - Fr Thomas Greenwood SJ (1908-1980)
156 - Fr John Joyce SJ (1909-1981)
157 - Fr Hugh Peter Lyons SJ (1912-1981)
158 - Fr Noel Stephenson SJ (1905-1981)
159 - Fr George Carry SJ (1919-1981) (Zimbabwe Province)
160 - Fr Francis Vavasour SJ (1900-1981)
161 - Fr John Desmond Boyle SJ (1897-1982)
162 - Fr William Butler SJ (1911-1982)
163 - Br Richard Pope SJ (1896-1982)
164 - Fr Bernard Gardner SJ (1930-1982)
165 - Fr Alexander Gits SJ (1887-1982)
166 - Fr Vincent Norbury SJ (1916-1982)
168 - Fr Joseph Sumner SJ (1903-1980)
170 - Fr William Francis Rea SJ (1908-1980)
171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)
172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)
174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980)
175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)
179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)
PH - Photographs
X - Former Jesuits
WS - Other Works
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