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Expand 1 - Fr Cuthbert Cary-Elwes SJ (1867-1945)1 - Fr Cuthbert Cary-Elwes SJ (1867-1945)
Expand 2 - Fr Henry Davis SJ (1886-1952) 2 - Fr Henry Davis SJ (1886-1952)
Expand 3 - Fr John Luck SJ (1867-1950)3 - Fr John Luck SJ (1867-1950)
Expand 4 - Fr Francis Donohoe SJ (1876-1938)4 - Fr Francis Donohoe SJ (1876-1938)
Expand 5 - Fr Joseph Paul SJ (1881-1975)5 - Fr Joseph Paul SJ (1881-1975)
Expand 6 - Fr William Maher SJ (1823-1877)6 - Fr William Maher SJ (1823-1877)
Expand 7 - Fr Frederick Hathaway SJ (1814-1891)7 - Fr Frederick Hathaway SJ (1814-1891)
Expand 10 - St John Ogilvie SJ (1579-1615)10 - St John Ogilvie SJ (1579-1615)
Expand 13 - Archbishop Thomas d'Esterre Roberts SJ (1893-1976)13 - Archbishop Thomas d'Esterre Roberts SJ (1893-1976)
Expand 14 - Fr Ralph Baines SJ (1885-1959)14 - Fr Ralph Baines SJ (1885-1959)
Expand 17 - Fr James Splaine SJ (1834-1901)17 - Fr James Splaine SJ (1834-1901)
Expand 18 - Fr Robert Henry Joseph Steuart SJ (1874-1948)18 - Fr Robert Henry Joseph Steuart SJ (1874-1948)
Expand 21 - Fr Martin Cyril D'Arcy SJ (1888-1976)21 - Fr Martin Cyril D'Arcy SJ (1888-1976)
Expand 23 - Fr Bernard Farrell SJ (1904-1977)23 - Fr Bernard Farrell SJ (1904-1977)
Expand 24 - Fr Bernard Swindells SJ (1887-1977)24 - Fr Bernard Swindells SJ (1887-1977)
Expand 25 - Fr Henry Dalton SJ (1903-1977)25 - Fr Henry Dalton SJ (1903-1977)
Expand 27 - Fr James Brennan SJ (1906-1977)27 - Fr James Brennan SJ (1906-1977)
Expand 28 - Fr Kevin Booth SJ (1906-1977)28 - Fr Kevin Booth SJ (1906-1977)
Expand 29 - Br Thomas Moore SJ (1901-1977)29 - Br Thomas Moore SJ (1901-1977)
Expand 30 - Fr William Cuthbert Donnelly SJ (1901-1977)30 - Fr William Cuthbert Donnelly SJ (1901-1977)
Expand 31 - Fr Edmund Lester SJ (1866-1934)31 - Fr Edmund Lester SJ (1866-1934)
Expand 32 - Fr Augustus Law SJ (1833-1880)32 - Fr Augustus Law SJ (1833-1880)
Expand 33 - Fr Matthew Ingram SJ (1881-1941)33 - Fr Matthew Ingram SJ (1881-1941)
Expand 34 - Fr Bernard Vaughan SJ (1847-1922)34 - Fr Bernard Vaughan SJ (1847-1922)
Expand 36 - Fr Richard Garrold SJ (1874-1920)36 - Fr Richard Garrold SJ (1874-1920)
Expand 37 - Fr Charles Raymond-Barker SJ (1859-1955)37 - Fr Charles Raymond-Barker SJ (1859-1955)
Expand 38 - Fr Henry Mather SJ (1887-1963) 38 - Fr Henry Mather SJ (1887-1963)
Expand 39 - Fr Wilfrid Banham SJ (1893-1963) 39 - Fr Wilfrid Banham SJ (1893-1963)
Expand 40 - Fr William Keary SJ (1881-1958)40 - Fr William Keary SJ (1881-1958)
Expand 42 - Fr Gerard Wilson-Browne SJ (1911-1975)42 - Fr Gerard Wilson-Browne SJ (1911-1975)
Expand 47 - Fr Francis Devas SJ (1877-1951)47 - Fr Francis Devas SJ (1877-1951)
Expand 48 - Bishop James Etheridge SJ (1808-1877)48 - Bishop James Etheridge SJ (1808-1877)
Expand 50 - Fr Michael Hannan SJ (1909-1977)50 - Fr Michael Hannan SJ (1909-1977)
Expand 51 - Fr Leslie Walker SJ (1877-1958)51 - Fr Leslie Walker SJ (1877-1958)
Expand 52 - Fr Peter Prestage SJ (1842-1907)52 - Fr Peter Prestage SJ (1842-1907)
Expand 53 - Fr Thomas Corbishley SJ (1903-1976) 53 - Fr Thomas Corbishley SJ (1903-1976)
Expand 54 - Bl John Sullivan SJ (Irish Province) (1861-1933)54 - Bl John Sullivan SJ (Irish Province) (1861-1933)
Expand 55 - Fr John Murray SJ (1897-1971)55 - Fr John Murray SJ (1897-1971)
Expand 56 - Fr Peter Knott SJ (1926-2017)56 - Fr Peter Knott SJ (1926-2017)
Expand 57 - Fr Alfred Thomas SJ (1925-1985)57 - Fr Alfred Thomas SJ (1925-1985)
Expand 62 - Br Francis McIntee SJ (1882-1978)62 - Br Francis McIntee SJ (1882-1978)
Expand 63 - Fr Francis Roberts SJ (1910-1978)63 - Fr Francis Roberts SJ (1910-1978)
Expand 64 - Fr Joseph Tomlinson SJ (1894-1978)64 - Fr Joseph Tomlinson SJ (1894-1978)
Expand 65 - Fr Patrick Treanor SJ (1920-1978)65 - Fr Patrick Treanor SJ (1920-1978)
Expand 68 - Fr Henry Widlake SJ (1910-1978)68 - Fr Henry Widlake SJ (1910-1978)
Expand 69 - Fr Edward Callaghan SJ (1921-1978)69 - Fr Edward Callaghan SJ (1921-1978)
Expand 71 - Fr Reginald Carrington SJ (1901-1978)71 - Fr Reginald Carrington SJ (1901-1978)
Expand 73 - Fr Edmund Conyers D'Arcy SJ (1885-1967)73 - Fr Edmund Conyers D'Arcy SJ (1885-1967)
Expand 76 - Fr John Costigan SJ (1916-1978)76 - Fr John Costigan SJ (1916-1978)
Expand 77 - Fr Desmond Donovan SJ (1927-1978)77 - Fr Desmond Donovan SJ (1927-1978)
Expand 79 - Fr Niall Corbett SJ (1901-1972)79 - Fr Niall Corbett SJ (1901-1972)
Collapse 80 - Fr Cyril Martindale SJ (1879-1963)80 - Fr Cyril Martindale SJ (1879-1963)
Expand 1 - Diaries1 - Diaries
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Collapse 3 - Martindale's Writing3 - Martindale's Writing
Expand 1 - Autobiography1 - Autobiography
Expand 2 - 'Saints and Blessed'2 - 'Saints and Blessed'
Expand 3 - Work on Saints3 - Work on Saints
Expand 4 - 'Mrs Medd's Diary'4 - 'Mrs Medd's Diary'
5 - 'A life of Mere Marie-Therese of the Daughters of the Cross'
6 - 'Princes of His People I - St. John Evangelist'
Expand 7 - Poems7 - Poems
Expand 8 - Plays8 - Plays
Expand 9 - Notes on the ancient world9 - Notes on the ancient world
Collapse 10 - Sermons and lectures10 - Sermons and lectures
1 - 'St Martin of Tours'
2 - 'Australia'
3 - 'Habacuc'
4 - '5th S. after Easter'
5 - 'Many Mansions'
6 - 'Mors et Vita'
7 - 'In an Alien Land'
8 - 'Easter-tide'
9 - '4th Sunday after Easter'
10 - 'My Prayer not set aside'
11 - 'The Descended into Hell'
12 - 'Tuesday in Easter Week'
13 - 'Thursday in Easter week'
14 - 'The Catholic Ideal'
15 - 'The Three Hours'
16 - 'The O[ffi]ce'
17 - 'The King in His Beauty II'
18 - 'Words'
19 - 'Liturgical Words'
20 - 'The Law of the Lord'
21 - 'Absolution'
22 - 'Confession'
23 - 'The Apostolic Aim of Lent'
24 - 'Shepherds and Hungry Sheep'
25 - Sermon given at the Eucharistic Congress in Edinburgh
26 - 'Nature: Conscience: God'
27 - 'Poverty (at request of Communists)'
28 - 'Ad[vent] - W/r Cath'
29 - 'Let not Your Heart be Troubled'
30 - Sermon preached at CCIR Conference
31 - Sermon preached at Midnight Mass Christmas
32 - Sermon originally preached for BBC Home Service
33 - 'Maria Desolata'
34 - 'Cambridge Carmel'
35 - 'In the Colosseum'
36 - Sermon preached for the New Year
37 - Sermon preached at St Chad's, Birmingham
38 - Sermon preached at St Thomas' Cambridge
39 - Sermon preached at Feast of All Saints, Beaumont College
40 - Sermon preached for Advent
41 - Sermon preached for BBC Home Service
42 - Sermon preached at the Australia Centenary Congress
43 - Recorded Sermon to Australia
44 - 'Your Heart as Alms'
45 - 'The City that hath the foundations'
46 - Sermon preached at Farm Street
47 - 'Judgement'
48 - 'Our Responsibility'
49 - 'Eucharisticon seu Missa Multiplex'
50 - 'Longus Ille atque Unus Annus'
51 - 'Fons Aquae Salientis'
52 - 'Inclinavit ex hoc in hoc'
53 - 'The Song'
54 - 'At St Benedict's, 2 months later'
55 - 'Carmel in Australia'
56 - 'Maria Victrix'
57 - 'The Sea Veil'
58 - 'In Terra Pax Hominibus Bonae Voluntatis'
59 - "To you Is entrusted the Mystery of the Kingdom of God"'
60 - 'The Shepherd'
61 - 'Exhortation'
62 - 'The Incarnation and Childhood'
63 - 'The Ministry'
64 - Unititled Sermon
65 - 'The Passion' and 'The Resurrection'
66 - 'To you is entrusted…'
67 - 'The Diffusion of the Spirit'
68 - 'The Inhabitation of the Holy Spirit'
69 - 'Undaunted Trust in God's Defeatless Mercy'
70 - Five sermons preached at Westminster Cathedral
71 - 'Une Enigme Liturgique'
72 - 'After Communion'
73 - 'Our Summons'
74 - 'The Offertory Prayers'
75 - 'The Holy Spirit in the Mass'
76 - 'Our Altar: The Holy Spirit in the Mass II'
77 - 'Unworthiness at Mass'
78 - 'Agnus Dei'
79 - 'Our Altar'
80 - 'Our Daily Bread'
81 - 'The Collect for the Feast of Corpus Christi'
82 - 'The Collect for the Feast of Corpus Christi II'
83 - 'La Communion, "I, not I"'
84 - 'Self Knowledge'
85 - 'The Real Food'
86 - 'The Corpus Christi Liturgy'
87 - 'Our Schooling'
88 - 'The Consecration of the Cup'
89 - 'Carnis Resurrectio'
90 - Commemoration of All Souls
91 - 'Pentecost Missionary Feast'
92 - 'The Hidden Life'
93 - 'Feast of the Circumcision'
94 - 'Feast of Christ the King'
95 - 'Caught hold of by Christ'
96 - 'Devotion to the S. Heart'
97 - 'Devotion to the Sacred Heart'
98 - Christmas Eve Sermon
99 - 'Christmas'
100 - 'Surrexit Dominus vere - The Lord is really and truly arisen!'
101 - 'The Temptation'
102 - Sermon on the synagogue
103 - 'Can a blind man lead a blind man?'
104 - 'The Proclamation'
105 - 'An Angel spoke to Him'
106 - 'The Hour of Glorification'
107 - 'Grief amid Glory'
108 - 'Untitled'
109 - 'At the Proper Time'
110 - Christmas Sermon
111 - 'Consider well the Field-Flowers'
112 - 'The epiphany'
113 - 'The Loss and Finding in the Temple'
114 - 'The Finding in the Temple'
115 - 'Wtare into Wine'
116 - 'The Man Born Blind'
117 - 'The Soul's Refreshment'
118 - 'The Beauty of the Lord'
119 - 'Christ in Disguise'
120 - 'Love Casts Out Fear'
121 - 'Christ Our Light'
122 - 'Christ Our Way'
123 - 'Christ Our Bread'
124 - 'Christ Our Vine'
125 - 'The Cup of Christ'
126 - 'Christ Our Resurrection'
127 - 'Christ Our Life'
128 - 'Christ's Peace'
129 - 'Christ, the Test or Touch-Stone'
130 - 'Christ's Closeness to Us'
131 - 'What Manner of Man is This? I'
132 - 'What Manner of Man is This? II'
133 - 'What Manner of Man is This? III'
134 - 'What Manner of Man is This? IV'
135 - 'Asphalte and Chrysanthemums'
136 - 'Medieval Hymns'
137 - 'Medieval Art'
138 - 'A Three Days' Retreat'
139 - 'Gethsemani'
140 - 'The 'Our Father''
141 - 'God in Christ'
142 - 'The Love of God'
143 - 'The Presence of God'
144 - 'Abel, Abraham and Melschisedek'
145 - 'At Mass'
146 - 'Morning Prayers'
147 - 'Paraclete'
148 - 'The Transfiguration'
149 - 'Sub Tuum Praesidium'
150 - 'The Deaf and the Dumb'
151 - 'Today'
152 - 'The Blessed Trinity'
153 - Sermon on how Jesus Christ looked at others
154 - 'The Touch of Christ'
155 - 'Christ, First and Last and Centre'
156 - Sermon recorded for Australian Broadcasting Corporation
157 - Sermon 'Christ and Money'
158 - 'The Sword in Mary's Soul'
159 - 'Born of Water'
160 - 'Mediatrix Omnium Gratiarum'
161 - 'Veramque pacem cordium'
162 - 'A Dumb Spirit'
163 - 'Within Thy wounds hide me'
164 - 'Non multum refert hic quid velit; sed quidquid vult, valde vult'
165 - Sermon ' Courage about myself'
166 - Sermon 'Maria Orante'
167 - Sermon 'Homines et Iumenta Salvabis Domine'
168 - Sermon 'In Conspectu Angelorum'
169 - Sermon preached by Fr McMullin SJ at St Charles'
170 - 'I believe in God'
171 - 'Holy Week'
172 - Instructions on the Mass' for Lent
173 - Ash Wednesday
174 - Ash Wednesday
175 - Ash Wednesday
176 - Holy Thursday
177 - 'The Cross & the crowd'
178 - 'Surrexit Dominus vere'
179 - 'I am risen and still am with thee'
180 - 'Surrexit Domine Vere. Alleluia!'
181 - 'O Altitudo!'
182 - 'Misereor super turbam'
183 - 'Lord that I may see!'
184 - Sermon for Corpus Christi.
185 - Sermon for the Opening of Headington
186 - Sermon for Rosary Sunday
187 - 'Midnight'
188 - 'Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax'
189 - 'At Crib' and 'Midnight Mass'
190 - 'Blessing of children'
191 - 'Blessing of children: Mirabantur - Mary & Joseph'
192 - Sermon for Empire Youth Sunday
193 - Sermon for May Procession and Crowning
194 - 'Christ + King'
195 - 'Life in the light of Christ'
196 - 'Hell'
197 - 'Interest in the phenomena of nature'
198 - 'Laetabor super eloquia tua'
199 - 'The New Commandment'
200 - 'Christ the Man and our daily life'
201 - 'Following of Christ'
202 - 'The Gospel'
203 - 'Witnesses to Christ'
204 - 'Our Lady of Lourdes'
205 - 'Our Lady of Lourdes'
206 - 'Our Lady of Lourdes'
207 - 'Preparatory notes and sermon for Festival of G. of the Blessed Sacrament'
208 - 'Domine Ut Videam'
209 - Sermon given at Chiswick
210 - 'Temptations'
211 - 'The Last Supper'
212 - 'Joy in the discovery of God through Jesus Christ'
213 - 'Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice for they shall have their fill'
214 - Kensington Mass
215 - 'The Evening Liturgy of the Church'
216 - Good Friday at Eden Grove
217 - Good Friday at Wimbledon
218 - Good Friday
219 - Good Friday at Brook Green
220 - Good Friday at Wimbledon
221 - 'Consummatum est'
222 - Sermon for Good Friday
223 - Sermon for Apostolic Union
224 - 'Christ the Life of the World'
225 - 'The Church & Human Needs'
226 - 'The Church & the world'
227 - 'The fool hath said in heart…'
228 - Sermon notes
229 - Sermon at Bayswater for Lent: 3rd Sunday
230 - Sermon at Bayswater for Lent: 2nd Sunday
231 - Sermon at Bayswater for Lent: 1st Sunday
232 - Sermon at Bayswater for Lent: 4th Sunday
233 - Behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed'
234 - Sermon at Farm Street
235 - Sermon at Wimbledon
236 - Sermon at Bayswater: Passion Sunday
237 - Sermon at Bayswater: Palm Sunday
238 - Instructions for Lent & Holy Week
239 - Notes on Mass
240 - Lecture: "Is there any Excuse for Poets?"
241 - Intention for March: "That Loyalty and Justice may everywhere prevail"
242 - Intention for August
243 - Intentions for January
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous Spiritual Writing11 - Miscellaneous Spiritual Writing
Expand 12 - Notes made during formation and retreats12 - Notes made during formation and retreats
Expand 13 - Published articles on spiritual topics13 - Published articles on spiritual topics
14 - 'Day and Night'
15 - Short essays on God
16 - Short essays on the [Blessed Virgin Mary], memory and the heart
17 - Short essays on prophecy and the New Testament
Expand 18 - Articles Miscellaneous18 - Articles Miscellaneous
Expand 19 - Press cuttings scrapbooks19 - Press cuttings scrapbooks
Expand 20 - Book reviews20 - Book reviews
Expand 21 - Essays21 - Essays
22 - Settlement of the Holy Child: Annual Reports
Expand 23 - Miscellaneous notes23 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 4 - Fatima & Lisbon4 - Fatima & Lisbon
Expand 5 - Papers on the bicentenary of SS Aloysius & Stanislaus5 - Papers on the bicentenary of SS Aloysius & Stanislaus
Expand 6 - Articles about Fr Martindale6 - Articles about Fr Martindale
Expand 7 - Prizes and Awards7 - Prizes and Awards
Expand 8 - Ecclesiastical and legal certificates8 - Ecclesiastical and legal certificates
Expand 9 - Childhood and early youth9 - Childhood and early youth
Expand 10 - Creative pieces by Martindale10 - Creative pieces by Martindale
Expand 11 - Photographs11 - Photographs
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous12 - Miscellaneous
13 - Portrait
Expand 83 - Fr Herbert Preston SJ (1897-1969)83 - Fr Herbert Preston SJ (1897-1969)
Expand 84 - Fr Francis Preston SJ (1903-1979)84 - Fr Francis Preston SJ (1903-1979)
Expand 86 - Archbishop Aston Chichester SJ (1879-1962)86 - Archbishop Aston Chichester SJ (1879-1962)
Expand 87 - Fr Thomas Lakeland SJ (1900-1979)87 - Fr Thomas Lakeland SJ (1900-1979)
Expand 88 - Fr Joseph Keating SJ (1865-1939)88 - Fr Joseph Keating SJ (1865-1939)
Expand 89 - Fr Luke Bellanti SJ (1882-1955) 89 - Fr Luke Bellanti SJ (1882-1955)
Expand 90 - Fr Leo Batley SJ (1891-1963) 90 - Fr Leo Batley SJ (1891-1963)
Expand 91 - Fr George Barrett SJ (1879-1962) 91 - Fr George Barrett SJ (1879-1962)
Expand 92 - Fr John Gerard SJ (1840-1912)92 - Fr John Gerard SJ (1840-1912)
Expand 93 - Fr Hubert McEvoy (1899-1973)93 - Fr Hubert McEvoy (1899-1973)
Expand 96 - Fr Robert Mills SJ (1900-1979)96 - Fr Robert Mills SJ (1900-1979)
Expand 97 - Fr Eustace Dudley SJ (1883-1956)97 - Fr Eustace Dudley SJ (1883-1956)
Expand 98 - Fr Charles Annacker SJ (1868-1920)98 - Fr Charles Annacker SJ (1868-1920)
Expand 102 - Fr Charles Bert SJ (1869-1952) 102 - Fr Charles Bert SJ (1869-1952)
Expand 103 - Robert Baxendale SJ (1943-1968) 103 - Robert Baxendale SJ (1943-1968)
Expand 105 - Fr Dermod Whyte SJ (1907-1975) 105 - Fr Dermod Whyte SJ (1907-1975)
Expand 106 - Fr Richard Worsley SJ (1889-1972)106 - Fr Richard Worsley SJ (1889-1972)
Expand 107 - Fr John Ryder SJ (1900-1979) 107 - Fr John Ryder SJ (1900-1979)
Expand 108 - Fr William McEntegart SJ (1891-1979) 108 - Fr William McEntegart SJ (1891-1979)
Expand 110 - Fr Lawrence Murphy SJ (1888-1979) 110 - Fr Lawrence Murphy SJ (1888-1979)
Expand 111 - Br Guy Ames SJ (1903-1979) (Jamshedpur Province) 111 - Br Guy Ames SJ (1903-1979) (Jamshedpur Province)
Expand 113 - Fr Bernard Darke SJ (1925-1979) 113 - Fr Bernard Darke SJ (1925-1979)
Expand 114 - Br James McCann SJ (1907-1979) 114 - Br James McCann SJ (1907-1979)
Expand 115 - Fr Francis Keating SJ (1899-1972) 115 - Fr Francis Keating SJ (1899-1972)
Expand 119 - Fr James Nicholson SJ (1855-1934)119 - Fr James Nicholson SJ (1855-1934)
Expand 122 - Fr John McCluskey SJ (1870-1921)122 - Fr John McCluskey SJ (1870-1921)
Expand 128 - Br Hugh McElrone SJ (1905-1980)128 - Br Hugh McElrone SJ (1905-1980)
Expand 129 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1903-1980)129 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 130 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1848-1926)130 - Fr John Lynch SJ (1848-1926)
Expand 137 - Fr Charles Sidney de Vere Beauclerk SJ (1855-1934)137 - Fr Charles Sidney de Vere Beauclerk SJ (1855-1934)
Expand 142 - Fr Francis Woodlock SJ (1871-1940)142 - Fr Francis Woodlock SJ (1871-1940)
Expand 148 - Fr Peter Blake SJ (1903-1981)148 - Fr Peter Blake SJ (1903-1981)
Expand 151 - Fr Bernard Weatherhead SJ (1901-1982)151 - Fr Bernard Weatherhead SJ (1901-1982)
Expand 153 - Fr Richard Birch SJ (1920-1981) 153 - Fr Richard Birch SJ (1920-1981)
Expand 154 - Fr Arnold Warneken SJ (1903-1981) 154 - Fr Arnold Warneken SJ (1903-1981)
155 - Fr Thomas Greenwood SJ (1908-1980)
Expand 156 - Fr John Joyce SJ (1909-1981) 156 - Fr John Joyce SJ (1909-1981)
Expand 157 - Fr Hugh Peter Lyons SJ (1912-1981)157 - Fr Hugh Peter Lyons SJ (1912-1981)
Expand 158 - Fr Noel Stephenson SJ (1905-1981) 158 - Fr Noel Stephenson SJ (1905-1981)
Expand 159 - Fr George Carry SJ (1919-1981) (Zimbabwe Province)159 - Fr George Carry SJ (1919-1981) (Zimbabwe Province)
Expand 160 - Fr Francis Vavasour SJ (1900-1981)160 - Fr Francis Vavasour SJ (1900-1981)
Expand 161 - Fr John Desmond Boyle SJ (1897-1982)161 - Fr John Desmond Boyle SJ (1897-1982)
Expand 162 - Fr William Butler SJ (1911-1982)162 - Fr William Butler SJ (1911-1982)
Expand 163 - Br Richard Pope SJ (1896-1982)163 - Br Richard Pope SJ (1896-1982)
Expand 164 - Fr Bernard Gardner SJ (1930-1982)164 - Fr Bernard Gardner SJ (1930-1982)
Expand 165 - Fr Alexander Gits SJ (1887-1982) 165 - Fr Alexander Gits SJ (1887-1982)
Expand 166 - Fr Vincent Norbury SJ (1916-1982)166 - Fr Vincent Norbury SJ (1916-1982)
Expand 168 - Fr Joseph Sumner SJ (1903-1980)168 - Fr Joseph Sumner SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 170 - Fr William Francis Rea SJ (1908-1980) 170 - Fr William Francis Rea SJ (1908-1980)
Expand 171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)171 - Fr Francis Courtney SJ (1905-1982)
Expand 172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)172 - Fr Henry Waterhouse SJ (1903-1980)
Expand 174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980) 174 - Fr Patrick Cooper SJ (1931-1980)
Expand 175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)175 - Fr Basil Fitzgibbon SJ (1896-1980)
Expand 179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)179 - Fr Leonard Boase SJ (1902-1983)
Expand PH - PhotographsPH - Photographs
Expand X - Former JesuitsX - Former Jesuits
Expand WS - Other WorksWS - Other Works

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