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Collapse UC - Ushaw College AdministrationUC - Ushaw College Administration
Expand AB - Ushaw College Administration: Financial RecordsAB - Ushaw College Administration: Financial Records
Expand AC - Ushaw College Administration: Estate RecordsAC - Ushaw College Administration: Estate Records
Expand AD - Ushaw College Administration: Building RecordsAD - Ushaw College Administration: Building Records
Expand AE - Ushaw College Administration: Teaching RecordsAE - Ushaw College Administration: Teaching Records
Expand AF - Ushaw College Administration: Chapel RecordsAF - Ushaw College Administration: Chapel Records
Expand AG - Ushaw College Administration: Library RecordsAG - Ushaw College Administration: Library Records
Expand AH - College Life RecordsAH - College Life Records
Collapse AJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic MaterialAJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic Material
Collapse AJ1 - Photograph AlbumsAJ1 - Photograph Albums
Collapse 1 - Alphabetical Albums1 - Alphabetical Albums
Expand 1 - Album A Album of uncaptioned photographs with a note on the inside front board by A. Warrington Taken by Fr Chapman, Ushaw Prof. :1 - Album A Album of uncaptioned photographs with a note on the inside front board by A. Warrington Taken by Fr Chapman, Ushaw Prof. :
Expand 2 - Album B Album of captioned photographs, mostly portrait photographs of Catholic priests2 - Album B Album of captioned photographs, mostly portrait photographs of Catholic priests
Expand 3 - Album C Album of uncaptioned photographs, mostly of the architecture of Ushaw College:3 - Album C Album of uncaptioned photographs, mostly of the architecture of Ushaw College:
Expand 4 - Album D: Album of uncaptioned photographs, mosty of Ushaw students playing sports and skating:4 - Album D: Album of uncaptioned photographs, mosty of Ushaw students playing sports and skating:
Expand 5 - Album E: Album of photographs (mostly captioned) of Ushaw architecture and Catholic priests:5 - Album E: Album of photographs (mostly captioned) of Ushaw architecture and Catholic priests:
Expand 6 - Album F Album of photographs (mostly uncaptioned) of Ushaw architecture and Catholic priests6 - Album F Album of photographs (mostly uncaptioned) of Ushaw architecture and Catholic priests
7 - Album G Mostly unidentified portrait photographs of Catholic priests, with the e - ception of Charles Newsham (UC/AJ/AJ1/1/7/3); Bishop Chadwick (UC/AJ/AJ1/1/7/17); and Fr Bewick (UC/AJ/AJ1/1/7/19)
Expand 8 - Album H Album of photographs (mostly captioned), taken by Ph. Bethell, of Catholic priests and Ushaw students:8 - Album H Album of photographs (mostly captioned), taken by Ph. Bethell, of Catholic priests and Ushaw students:
9 - Album J Album of photographs (mostly uncaptioned) of priests at Seaforth (Knowlsey), Sunderland, and other places:
Expand 10 - Album K Album of photographs, mostly captioned postcards, of Ushaw College10 - Album K Album of photographs, mostly captioned postcards, of Ushaw College
11 - Album L Album of photographs, mostly of unidentified priests at Ushaw College
Expand 12 - Album M Album of photographs (many with captions) of seminary students and life at Ushaw College12 - Album M Album of photographs (many with captions) of seminary students and life at Ushaw College
Expand 13 - Album ‘N’ Album of photographs (mostly captioned), taken by Robert Cookson, mainly portrait photographs of seminarians and priests:13 - Album ‘N’ Album of photographs (mostly captioned), taken by Robert Cookson, mainly portrait photographs of seminarians and priests:
Expand 14 - Album ‘O’ Album of captioned photographs, mostly of Ushaw seminarians and priests14 - Album ‘O’ Album of captioned photographs, mostly of Ushaw seminarians and priests
Expand 15 - Album ‘P’ Album of photographs (some with captions), mostly of Ushaw seminarians skating and playing various sports:15 - Album ‘P’ Album of photographs (some with captions), mostly of Ushaw seminarians skating and playing various sports:
Expand 16 - Album ‘Q’  Album of photographs, with captions in Joseph Broadhead's hand, mostly of Catholic priests:16 - Album ‘Q’ Album of photographs, with captions in Joseph Broadhead's hand, mostly of Catholic priests:
Expand 17 - Album ‘R’ Album of captioned photographs entitled  Big Lads, 1938  -  1941:17 - Album ‘R’ Album of captioned photographs entitled Big Lads, 1938 - 1941:
Expand 18 - Album S Album of photographs (mostly captioned) of Ushaw seminarians18 - Album S Album of photographs (mostly captioned) of Ushaw seminarians
Collapse 19 - Album T Album of photographs (mostly captioned) of college life and architecture:19 - Album T Album of photographs (mostly captioned) of college life and architecture:
1 - Antechapel, showing Our Lady of Help, Ushaw College
2 - Pope Pius -
3 - Our Lady of Help, Ushaw College
4 - Decorated portable altar [Altar of Repose] in the lecture theatre, Ushaw College
5 - E - terior of St Cuthbert’s Chapel covered in snow
6 - View of Ushaw College over the pond
7 - Little/Big Lad’s Walk, Ushaw College
8 - Post Office building, Ushaw College
9 - [?Divines] students standing outside the main gates of Ushaw College
10 - Gardens [?at Ushaw College]
11 - View of the Sacred Heart Chapel, Ushaw College
12 - Our Lady of Help, Ushaw College
13 - Our Lady of Help and Antechapel, Ushaw College
14 - 15 - St Michael’s Chapel, Ushaw College
16 - Entrance to St Cuthbert’s Chapel, Ushaw College
17 - St Cuthbert’s Chapel, Ushaw College
18 - View of the Lady Chapel, Ushaw College
19 - Organ, St Cuthbert’s Chapel
20 - Refectory, Ushaw College
21 - Lectern, St Cuthbert’s College
22 - Church plate, Ushaw College
23 - Wash room, Ushaw College
24 - Museum, Ushaw College
25 - Swimming pool, Ushaw College
26 - Rev George Phillips
27 - Catholic priest standing near the entrance of Ushaw College
28 - Mgr William Brown
29 - Mgr William Brown, and a junior seminarian in background
30 - Bishop Thomas Wilkinson [?lying in state]
31 - Gregory Pippet and Frank Wilkinson
32 - Group of Ushaw students
33 - Jack Deans, Butler, and Tom Carrol (Ushaw students)
34 - A English Dominican(McIlroy)
35 - McIlroy, Priestman, Pollard, Bob Milroy, Bede Tuohey, and George O'Neill
36 - Ushaw student William Godfrey [later Cardinal] asleep at his desk
37 - William Godfrey and Ushaw student
38 - Group of Ushaw students including Meagher, [William] Godfrey, Manley, Jim Pollock, and William Cookson
39 - Newspaper cutting of William Godfrey’s appointment as rector of the English College in Rome
40 - Ushaw professors, including Joseph Broadhead, William Brown, and William Dunne
41 - Group photograph of Ushaw professors, including Dr Burgess [later killed in the First World War], Dr H.E. Mann, Chris Hart, T. Howard, M. Hoolanan, and T. Humphreys
42 - 44 - Group of Ushaw students
45 - Ushaw students inspecting eggs in a bird’s nest
46 - Group of Ushaw students, including Aviv, P. Carrol, O’Shea, Ducket, Marshall, Stephen O’Brien, Galpin, [?Jascroutts], and Toby Miller
47 - Group of Ushaw students, including T. Wora, D. Brennan, Hutchinson, R. Merrism, and Morley
48 - Group of Ushaw students, including Kelly, Connel and Meagher
49 - Group of Ushaw students, including Nilroy, Dunn, Gibbons, Logan, Flynn, Baines, D. Cookson, Cavanagh, Carrol, R. Bickersteth, Deans, and [?Choppy]
50 - Group of Ushaw students
51 - Group of Ushaw students, including L. Tighe, B. Sewell, Malone, and Bradley
52 - Three Ushaw students: Elroy, Toohey, and Bob Milroy
53 - Group of Ushaw students studying outdoors during the professor’s dinner hour
54 - Crawley and Obans, refectory readers
55 - Group of Ushaw students, including D. Lucy
56 - Tom McKinnan skating on Ushaw pond
57 - Jim Farrow and Gibbons
58 - Three Ushaw students
59 - A.V. Wills fishing
60 - 61 - Prendergast (Ushaw student)
62 - Frank Tuoney (Ushaw student)
63 - [?Prendergast]
64 - Johnny Hutchinson (Ushaw student)
65 - Nik Brown (Ushaw student)
66 - Ushaw student [?playing cricket]
67 - Warmbold and Lucy (Ushaw students)
68 - Thompson and Carroll
69 - Group of Ushaw students
70 - Ushaw student
71 - Group of Ushaw students [carvers] including Bill Lamb
72 - Leo Moore pumping the brook
73 - Group of Ushaw students, including Carroll, Morrissey, Kildare, and Prendergast
74 - Group of Ushaw students: Moore, Cavanagh, Hedley and [?]
75 - Ushaw student (Leo Moore)
76 - Group of Ushaw carvers, including Bill Lamb
77 - Leo Moore pumping the brook
78 - Ushaw students, including Carrol, Morrisey, Pendergast and Moore
79 - Ushaw students, including Moore, Cavenagh, Morley and [?]
80 - Ushaw student
81 - Group of Ushaw students
82 - Group of Ushaw students, including C. Earnshaw
83 - Jim Dent and Sargeant
84 - Group of Ushaw students, including Tighe and G. O’Neil
85 - Group of Ushaw students
86 - O’Sullivan and L. Tighe
87 - 92 - Group of Ushaw students
93 - View of the Bounds from the rooftops
94 - Cardinal Bourne
95 - [?JEC], Bob Hynes, and A.V. Wills
96 - Sullivan
97 - Ushaw students playing tennis
98 - Ushaw students playing Keeping Up
99 - Ushaw students playing cricket
100 - Group of Ushaw students
101 - Thompson (Ushaw student)
102 - Arthur English and Carroll
103 - Louis Tighe
104 - Sullivan and Atkinson
105 - [?Canon Beech] and Fr Shelly
106 - Bill Cookson, [?], and Warmbold
107 - Carroll
108 - Thompson and Choppy
109 - Butler
110 - A.V. Willis rowing
111 - A.V. Willis in tennis gear
112 - Farmer and night watchmen, Ushaw College
113 - River [?Browney]
114 - Horses at Holme Farm
115 - Birds
116 - Horse and cart
117 - [?Ushaw pond]
118 - Tom Smailes, a huntsman who was killed 5 days later following a fall from his horse
119 - Horse and cart on a bridleway near Lanchester
120 - Cat game
121 - Sketch of Ushaw College by Ed. Corbett
122 - Sketch of Ushaw College by Edward Corbett used as a Christmas card
123 - Sketch of Ushaw College [by Edward Corbett] from the gardens
124 - Catholic priest
Expand 20 - Album U Album of uncaptioned photographs, mostly of ice skating and cat games:20 - Album U Album of uncaptioned photographs, mostly of ice skating and cat games:
21 - Album V Album of photographs, mostly unidentified portraits of Catholic clergy
Expand 22 - Album ‘W’ Album of captioned photographs, mostly of Catholic clergy:22 - Album ‘W’ Album of captioned photographs, mostly of Catholic clergy:
Expand 23 - Album  -  Album of captioned photographs, mostly of seminarians playing sports or ice skating:23 - Album - Album of captioned photographs, mostly of seminarians playing sports or ice skating:
24 - Album Y Album of photographs, mostly unidentified Ushaw students
25 - Album Z Album of photographs, mostly unidentified Ushaw students
Expand 26 - Album AA:26 - Album AA:
27 - Album CC Album of photographs, some of the Slingsby - Bethells family and the area of Villa Bader, Garmisch, as well as photographs of mostly unidentified Catholic clergy at Bourges, France, and students at Ushaw College A number of photographs (three of
28 - Album ‘DD’: Album of uncaptioned photographs, including landscape shots of Ushaw College, Durham and the surrounding area, as well as some unidentified Catholic clergy
Expand 29 - Album EE Album of photographs, mostly captioned postcards of Ushaw College:29 - Album EE Album of photographs, mostly captioned postcards of Ushaw College:
Expand 2 - Other Albums2 - Other Albums
Expand AJ2 - Loose PhotographsAJ2 - Loose Photographs
Expand AJ3 - SlidesAJ3 - Slides
Expand AJ4 - NegativesAJ4 - Negatives
Expand AK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) PapersAK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) Papers
Expand AL - Ushaw College Administration: Objects and Museum RecordsAL - Ushaw College Administration: Objects and Museum Records
Expand D2 - Constitution PapersD2 - Constitution Papers
Expand D3 - Catholic Student Council PapersD3 - Catholic Student Council Papers
Expand D4 - Catholics for a Changing Church ArchiveD4 - Catholics for a Changing Church Archive
Expand D5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain PapersD5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain Papers
Expand D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)
Expand D8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus ArchiveD8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus Archive
Expand H - Ushaw College History PapersH - Ushaw College History Papers
Expand LC - Lisbon College ArchvieLC - Lisbon College Archvie
Expand MV - Big Library Manuscript VolumesMV - Big Library Manuscript Volumes
Expand P1 - Bamber PapersP1 - Bamber Papers
Expand P2 - John Barrow PapersP2 - John Barrow Papers
Expand P3 - Edwin Bonney CorrespondenceP3 - Edwin Bonney Correspondence
Expand P10 - Bishops' AppointmentsP10 - Bishops' Appointments
Expand P11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College LibraryP11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College Library
Expand P12 - John Smith PapersP12 - John Smith Papers
Expand P13 - Eyre PapersP13 - Eyre Papers
Expand P14 - Bernard Payne PapersP14 - Bernard Payne Papers
Expand P15 - Northern Vicariate Mission PapersP15 - Northern Vicariate Mission Papers
Expand P16 - Thomas Wilkinson PapersP16 - Thomas Wilkinson Papers
Expand P17 - Merry del Val PapersP17 - Merry del Val Papers
Expand P18 - Bourne Family PapersP18 - Bourne Family Papers
Expand P19 - Oscott PapersP19 - Oscott Papers
Expand P20 - John Henry Newman LettersP20 - John Henry Newman Letters
Expand P21 - Wilberforce LettersP21 - Wilberforce Letters
Expand P22 - Manning LettersP22 - Manning Letters
Expand P23 - Jacobite PapersP23 - Jacobite Papers
Expand P25 - John Lingard PapersP25 - John Lingard Papers
Expand P26 - Charles Newsham PapersP26 - Charles Newsham Papers
Expand P27 - English Martyrs PapersP27 - English Martyrs Papers
Expand P28 - Vincent Eyre ManuscriptsP28 - Vincent Eyre Manuscripts
Expand P29 - William Brown PapersP29 - William Brown Papers
Expand P30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater PapersP30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater Papers
Expand P31 - Edward Towers PapersP31 - Edward Towers Papers
Expand P32 - Vicariate/Diocesan PapersP32 - Vicariate/Diocesan Papers
Expand P33 - Haydock Family PapersP33 - Haydock Family Papers

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