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UC - Ushaw College Administration
AB - Ushaw College Administration: Financial Records
AC - Ushaw College Administration: Estate Records
AD - Ushaw College Administration: Building Records
AE - Ushaw College Administration: Teaching Records
AF - Ushaw College Administration: Chapel Records
AG - Ushaw College Administration: Library Records
AH - College Life Records
AJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic Material
AK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) Papers
AL - Ushaw College Administration: Objects and Museum Records
D2 - Constitution Papers
D3 - Catholic Student Council Papers
D4 - Catholics for a Changing Church Archive
D5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain Papers
D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)
D8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus Archive
H - Ushaw College History Papers
H1 - Grant of assignment by Sir Timothie Whittingham to Sir Thomas Metham and Sir William Lambton for the lease of the colliery in Ulshaw (Ushaw) in the Lanchester parish. Signed by George Smythe and John Smythe of Esh Hall. The Smythes were owners of the Ushaw area when the land was bought for the founding of the college. Includes two transcriptions of the title deed.
H2 - Letter from Cahuacat Douai to [Alban Butler of St Omers]
H3 - Agreement [in Thomas Eyre's hand] concerning a new college in the north.
H4 - Address, signed by Rev A. Story, Rev Henry Butler, Rev William Hull, Rev Robert Himsworth, Rev Thomas Eyre, Rev F. Fletcher, Rev James Worswick, to the priests of the northern district concerning the foundation of a new Catholic college.
H5 - Distribution of time[weekly timetable] at Old Hall Green.
H6 - Printed circular seeking contributions towards the establishment of a college for the education of Catholics in the county of Durham following the closure of the English College in Douai. Signed by Right Rev Charles Walmesley, Right Rev William Gibson, York, and Right Rev John Douglass, London.
H7 - Letter from Bishop William Gibson to [?Nathaniel Eyre]
H7b - Sketch plan of Crook Hall.
H8 - Theses defended in theology under Thomas Eyre.
H9 - Thomas Eyre's account with Douai College.
H10 - Letter from Bishop William Gibson to Thomas Eyre
H11a - Resolutions passed at a meeting at Fernyhalgh concerning the establishment of a college in the Northern District.
H11b - Letter from John Barrow to Thomas Eyre
H12 - Objections by Bishop William Gibson to the Durham resolutions.
H12b - Draft letter from Thomas Eyre to Sir John Leslie
H13 - Legal copy of the Minsteracres resolutions relating to a plan for the establishment of a Catholic college in the Northern District.
H14 - Draft copy of UC/H13.
H15 - Resolutions signed by the Lancashire clergy at a meeting in Preston on the establishment of a Catholic college in the Northern District.
H16 - Letter from Vincent Eyre to Thomas Eyre
H17 - Letter from Vincent Eyre to Thomas Eyre
H18 - Draft engagement of Bishop William Gibson regarding the Ushaw Farm estate. This document cannot be found August 2012. The card catalogue states that it may have been transferred to the Procurators' Archive.
H19 - Number not in use
H20 - Number not in use
H21 - List of funds with annual income, annuities etc.
H22 - Copy of a portion of a letter from Thomas Lupton to his parents
H23 - Anthony Lund's subscription book for Ushaw.
H24 - Printed appeal by William Gibson, bishop of Acanthos and Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District, to all who are disposed to favour the Establishmentseeking subscriptions for the foundation of a new Catholic college in the north of England. Includes a manuscript note on certain subscribers and amounts paid.
H24b - Letter from Thomas Smith to [?]
H24c - UC/H24, with a draft manuscript letter written on the same sheet from [?Thomas Smith] to [?] on the rights and privileges of owning the copyhold land at Wheatley Hall.
H25a - Extracts from letters by Thomas Cleghorn and Francis Twite to Henry Rutter
H25b - Draft letter from Thomas Eyre to John Rigby
H26a - Bond by Rev Thomas Eyre, Rev Thomas Smith and Rev William Coghlan in £400 to Francis Forman.
H26b - Bond by Rev Thomas Eyre, Rev Thomas Smith and Rev William Coghlan in £200 to Francis Forman.
H27 - Inventory by Rev Arthur Story and Thomas Eyre of furniture at the college at Tudhoe.
H28 - Tudhoe school sold to Brian Salvin for £1,450.
H29 - Income and expenditure for the building of Ushaw College.
H30 - Letter from Sir John Lawson to Thomas Eyre
H31 - Letter from Bishop William Gibson to Sir John Lawson (copy in Thomas Eyre's hand)
H32 - Letter from F. Wharton of Durham to Thomas Eyre
H33 - Enclosure from UC/H32
H34 - Enclosure from UC/H32
H35 - Letter from George Dunn to Thomas Eyre, with a draft of Eyre's reply. [Transferred to Procurator's Archive, 24 November 1935]
H36 - {?] tp Thomas Eyre [Transferred to Procurator's Archive, 24 November 1935]
H37 - Draft of a prospectus of terms at Ushaw College.
H38 - Letter from Ralph Platt to John Briggs
H38a - Letter from George Brown to [?]
H39 - Letter from John Kirk to Smith of Brooms
H40 - Letter from John Gillow to [?]
H41 - Printed appeal by William Gibson, bishop of Acanthos and Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District, to all the faithful of the Northern Districtseeking further subscriptions for work to be carried out on Ushaw College.
H41b - Two typed copies of UC/H41.
H42 - College diary with a register of staff and students, including a list of new arrivals between 1811 and 1822.
H44 - Memorandum by Ralph Platt of an interview with Daniel O'Connell seeking his help on behalf of a memorial sent to Lord John Russell to obtain the privilege to grant Ushaw students graduation certificates from London University, with O'Connell's fears of a Tory reaction, a similar application from Oscott and Stonyhurst, and commenting on Ushaw's Compendium of Logicwhich he used at Douai College.
H45 - Letter from Charles Eyre esq to John Briggs
H46 - Printed circular letter from Charles Newsham
H47 - Printed prospectus by Rt Rev Mgr Charles Newsham on the system of education offered at Ushaw College.
H48 - Printed circular by Bishops Baines, Walsh, Briggs and Griffiths appealing for funds for the episcopal seminaries and missions in England and other places.
H48b - Letter from George Brown to Robert Tate
H49 - Warrant signed by Queen Victoria, granting Ushaw permission to issue certificates to candidates for degrees at the new non-sectarian University of London.
H50 - List of Passion sermons.
H51 - Note of a wager between Mr Platt and Mr Bagshawe relating to whether Oscott [?or Ushaw] will be the first to obtain the M.A.
H52 - Letter from Thomas Wilkinson to Charles Newsham
H53 - Specification by Augustus Welby Pugin of work to be carried out in the erection of a collegiate church for St Cuthbert's College, Ushaw.
H54 - Letter from Thomas Wilkinson of Kendal to William Hogarth
H55 - Letter from William Hogarth to Charles Newsham
H56 - Letter from William Hogarth to Charles Newsham
H57 - Letter from William Hogarth to Charles Newsham
H57b - Letter from George Brown to Robert Tate
H58 - Printed circular seeking contributions to the new chapel at Ushaw.
H59 - Printed Synopsis rationis meditandi[7 copies].
H60 - Letter from Robert Tate to [?]
H60b - Pope Gregory XVI conferring a Doctor of Theology on Robert Tate on the recommendation of George Brown.
H61 - Letter from George Brown to Robert Tate
H62 - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H63 - Declaration by Bishops George Brown and Sharples to Newsham raising the college pension to £50 p.a..
H64a-b - Christmas carols by Ushaw students.
H65 - Extracts from a letter of John Lingard to [?Newsham]
H66 - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H67 - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H67b - Advertisement for the former Ushaw student Andrew Steinmetz's new book The Novicate, attacking the Jesuit system.
H68 - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H69 - Resolution of the Yorkshire clergy at their annual meeting arguing that the alienation of any portion of Ushaw funds or property would be unjust and ruinous.
H69b - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H70 - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H71 - Letter from William Hogarth to [Charles Newsham]
H72 - List (in Newsham's hand) of Discourses for the month of May to be given by the professors.
H73 - Printed invitations to the solemn Dedication of St Cuthbert's Church.
H74 - Outline [?by Charles Newsham] of a retreat given by Bishop Wiseman at Ushaw.
H75 - Letter from Thomas Wilkinson to Francis Wilkinson
H76 - Report by Robert Hogarth of the Visitation made to the college by Bishops William Hogarth and John Briggs, and Robert Hogarth, Augustine Slater, Thomas Sherburne, and the president and vice-president of Ushaw.
H76b - Resolutions taken at the first meeting of the Board of St Cuthbert's College, signed by Bishop William Hogarth.
H76c - Report/record of a meeting of Ushaw's board to secure the college's future.
H76d - Letter from William Hogarth to [?Charles Newsham]
H77 - Printed address from the Catholic clergy assembled at Durham to the secular clergy of the Lancashire Vicariate objecting to the proposal to erect a diocesan seminary at St Edward's; signed by William Fletcher, Robert Tate, Thomas Slater, Joseph Brown, and John Gillow. Includes three additional copies.
H78 - Printed resolutions of a meeting held at St Edward's by Bishop George Brown and several of the Lancashire clergy setting up a committee to establish a diocesan seminary for the district. With two additional copies.
H78b - Resolutions of a meeting of several clergy of the Northern Vicariate held at Durham in consequence of the intention of some of the Lancashire clergy, together with the Vicar Apostolic, to set up a diocesan seminary at St Edward's, Liverpool.
H79 - Printed address from Ushaw College to Cardinal Wiseman congratulating him on the Cardinalate and the Holy See's decision to put Ushaw under its protection, with a printed reply from Wiseman.
H80 - Letter from Nicholas Wiseman to William Hogarth
H80c - Letter from Charles Newsham to Robert Tate
H80d - Letter from Charles Newsham to Robert Tate
H80e - Letter from Charles Newsham to Robert Tate
H81 - Letter from Bishop William Turner to Charles Newsham
H82 - Letter from Bishop William Turner to Charles Newsham
H83 - Letter from Bishop William Turner to Charles Newsham
H84 - Letter from T[homas] G[rant] to Michael Gibson
H85 - Letter from William Hogarth to Charles Newsham
H86 - Letter from George Rolfe to Michael Gibson
H87 - Letter from Thomas Witham to [?]
H88 - Letter from Thomas Wilkinson to Charles Newsham
H89 - Letter from Thomas Wilkinson to William Wrennall
H90 - \Letter from Thomas Wilkinson to William Wrennall
H91 - St Cuthbert's Society draft of rules, with comments, including an account of the banquet in Defensions week.
H92 - Letter from Nicholas Wiseman to Charles Newsham
H93 - Letter from Bishop James Gillis of Edinburgh to Charles Newsham
H94 - Letter from Lady Lothian at Rome to Francis Wilkinson
H95 - Observations by Nicholas Wiseman on the case proposed by Bishop Goss about obligation Masses arising from burses and the reduction Masses according to the powers granted to Wiseman as Apostolic Visitor by pontifical rescript.
H96 - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda
H97 - Letter from Nicholas Wiseman to Charles Newsham
H98 - Letter from William Eyre, S.J., to Charles Newsham
H99 - Letter from William Eyre, S.J., of St Beuno's, to [?Charles Newsham]
H100a - Letter from Charles Newsham to Robert Tate
H100b - Letter from R. Teebay at Rome to Thomas Tatlock
H101 - Number not in use
H102 - Printed circular by Robert Hogarth announcing the formation of a committee to celebrate the Ushaw College jubilee in 1858 by a perpetual memorial of the event.
H102b - Printed circular (3 copies) by Robert Hogarth announcing the formation of a committee to celebrate the Ushaw College jubilee in 1858 by a perpetual memorial of the event.
H103a - Printed St. Cuthbert's College Odeby Cardinal Wiseman.
H104 - Printed programme of The Hidden Gem, a drama in two acts, written for the College jubilee by Nicholas Wiseman. Includes a sketch drawing of the main characters.
H105b - Ushaw College Jubilee
H106 - Speech of Bishop James Gillis at the Ushaw College jubilee.
H107 - Speech of Sir William Lawson at the Ushaw College jubilee.
H108 - Speech of Henry Edward Manning at the Ushaw College jubilee.
H109 - Speech of Charles Russell, president of Maynooth Coillege, at the Ushaw College jubilee.
H110 - Speech of Mgr Talbot at the Ushaw College jubilee [2 copies].
H111 - Speech of Frederick Oakley at the Ushaw College jubilee [2 copies].
H112b - Students' address to open the commemoration of the Ushaw College jubilee, spoken by Arthur Wilberforce.
H112c - Sermon by Nicholas Wiseman preached at Ushaw College.
H113 - Letter from Frederick Oakley to Charles Newsham
H114 - Letter from Henry Edward Manning to Charles Newsham
H115 - Letter from Sir William Lawson to [Charles Newsham]
H116 - Letter from Mgr George Talbot to Charles Newsham
H117 - Letter from Bishop James Gillis to Charles Newsham
H117b - Letter from Robert Cornthwaite to [?]
H118 - Duplicated notice by the president re the prolongation of the vacation for all divinity students owing to delays in completing the kitchens.
H119 - Letter from Cardinal Barnabo, Prefect of Propaganda, to Bishop William Hogarth
H119a - Letter from Pope Pius XI to Charles Newsham
H120 - Letter from George Caley to Charles Newsham
H121 - Letter from George Talbot to Charles Newsham
H122 - Copies of letters from Charles Newsham to Robert Tate.
H123a - Letter from Bishop Alexander Goss to Cardinal Barnabo
H123b - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda to Bishop Alexander Goss
H124 - Letter from George Caley to Edmund Knight (extract)
H125 - Letter from Pope Pius XI to the president and Ushaw College
H126 - This number is not in use
H127 - Letter from Carlo Voigt to George Caley
H128a-g - College medal designs including sketches and inscriptions.
H129 - Letter from George Caley to Carol Voigt (draft)
H130 - Note on the design of the medal.
H131 - Printed examination paper for Honours in Greek and Latin
H132 - Printed Ushaw College prize list.
H133 - Printed programme for an examination. This document is described as above in the card catalogue but cannot be located, 19 September 2012.
H133b - Letter from Charles Newsham to Robert Tate
H134a-b - Manuscript by Alfred Asselin, entitled Souvenirs Douaisens
H135 - Address of welcome to Robert Tate, the new president of Ushaw College.
H136 - Printed programme for defensions, examinations for honours etc. issued by Robert Tate, president [2 copies].
H137 - Printed Ushaw College prize list.
H138 - Statistics of accommodation, including dimensions of rooms.
H138b - Letter from Robert Tate to Ralph Platt
H138c - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda to Bishop William Hogarth
H138d - Letter from Robert Tate to Thomas Slater
H138dii - Letter from Robert Tate to Thomas Slater
H138e - Certificate of Pope Pius IX appointing Robert Tate a Domestic Prelate.
H138f - Letter from Bishop Francis Mostyn to Robert Tate
H139 - Letter from Joseph Stevenson at Oscott to Robert Tate
H140 - Letter from Joseph Stevenson at Oscott to Robert Tate
H141 - Letter from Joseph Stevenson to Robert Tate
H142 - Letter from Henry Bradshaw to Robert Tate
H143 - Letter from Henry Bradshaw at King's College to Robert Tate
H144 - Letter from Henry Bradshaw at Cambridge University Library to the Ushaw librarian
H144b - Copy of a paper by Mgr Capel of the Catholic University in London, sent to Robert Tate, with an account of the resolution of the Senate for improving studies in Catholic colleges through a common examination.
H145 - This number is not in use
H146 - Letter from Canon G. Last at Ingatestone to Bishop James Chadwick
H147a - Letter from William Wrennall to Canon Last (draft)
H147b - Further draft of UC/H147a.
H148 - Letter from Canon Last to William Wrennall
H149 - Printed list of subscriptions towards the projected new church at Ushaw [3 copies].
H150 - Letter from Francis Searle to Bishop James Chadwick
H151 - Letter from William Wrennall to Francis Searle (draft)
H152 - Letter from Bishop James Chadwick at Rome to William Wrennall
H153 - Memorandum by Henry Gillow on the Waterton Collection and proposing to the president that £200 should be offered to the lawyers to keep the collection at Ushaw.
H154 - Letter from Francis Searle to William Wrennall
H155 - Letter from Edward Consitt, Durham, to William Wrennall
H156 - Letter from William Wrennall to Edward Consitt
H157 - Minutes of a conversation with the lawyers at Wakefield managing Waterton's effects.
H158 - Memorandum by J. Cottam Fisher on the sacristy plate and vestments.
H159 - Description of the organ in the old Pugin chapel and the changes required.
H160 - Circular from the president of Ushaw College, William Wrennall, with notes on the history of Ushaw College to assist clergy in appealing for funds for the new chapel.
H161 - Incomplete list of subscribers to the reconstruction and enlargement of the organ.
H162 - Description of the reconstruction of the organ by Bevington and Sons; (they also built the small organ in the Junior House).
H163 - Printed list of subscriptions for the new chapel at Ushaw College [3 copies].
H164 - Specification of the organ by Bevington and Sons.
H165 - Printed circular by William Wrennall appealing for more subscriptions for the new chapel at Ushaw College [2 copies].
H166 - Letter from Cardinal Simeone, Prefect of Propaganda, to Thomas Wilkinson, Vicar General of Hexham
H167 - Letter from Herbert Lucas S.J. to Lord Braye
H168 - Blackhill and District Naturalists Field Society
H169 - Letter from Cardinal Ledochowski, Prefect of Propaganda, to Bishop Thomas Wilkinson
H170 - Letter from Herbert Lucas S.J. to [Bernard Ward]
H171 - Letter from Bernard Ward to Joseph Corbishley
H172a-b - Letter from R.G. Davis to George Phillips (2 letters)
H173 - Letter from Pope Pius X to Bishop Thomas Wilkinson
H174 - Letter from Cardinal Raphael Merry del Val to Bishop Thomas Wilkinson
H175 - Letter from Bishop Butt to William Brown
H176 - Letter from Alban Purdie to Joseph Broadhead
H177 - Article by Alban Purdie in the Universeon the finds on the site of Douai College.
H178 - List of benefactors of Ushaw and anniversaries. This item cannot be located, December 1982
H179 - Subscription book for the chapel windows at Ushaw College.
H180 - Memorial on the status of colleges. This item cannot be located, November 1955
H181 - List of titles of May sermons (based on the titles of the Litany of Loreto).
H182 - Letter from R. Croskell, Rome, to Robert Tate
H183 - Rules for minor professors, pedagogues and divines.
H184 - List of portraits at the English College in Douai.
H185 - Illustrated elocution programme.
H186 - Memorandum of the sale of stock to purchase the Ushaw estate.
H187 - Number not in use
H188 - Manuscript by John Gillow, entitled Record of the foundation, erection and enlargement of Ushaw, with notes by Henry Gillow. Also contains an account of the adopted alumni, and of gas-making experiments in 1866.
H189 - Printed appeal for contributions to the Lady Chapel, with manuscript list of discourses and the names of subscribers on reverse.
H190 - Number not in use
H191 - Inventory of scientific instruments, pictures and library.
H192 - Papers and letters relating to Ushaw College Library
H192a - Notes by Ralph Carr Ellison on a Roman or early Anglo-Saxon Christian inscription at Rudchester.
H192b - Note by George Errington of a work borrowed from the Ushaw Library by Rev W. Fletcher of Longhorsley.
H192c - Letter from John Walker to Mr William Wrennall
H192d - Letter from I. Toole to Dr [?John] Gillow
H192e - Letter from George Ormsby to [William Wrennell]
H192f - Letter from George Ormsby to [William Wrennell]
H193a-b - Sketch drawings for the east and west windows of the Big Library.
H194 - Letter from Bishop Thomas Grant to Charles Newsham
H195 - Letter from R. North of Greenwich to Charles Newsham
H196a-b - Further copy of UC/H47.
H197 - Papers, mostly rough notes and bibliographic references, relating to research on the history of Douai College and Ushaw College.
H198 - Declaration by John Kirk concerning his pension.
H199 - Plans and drawings of buildings and grounds at Ushaw, with designs for niches, shrines etc.
H200 - Inventory of Ushaw pictures. This item cannot be located, November 1982.
H201a-f - Ushaw College retreat timetables.
H202 - Inventory of scientific instruments.
H203 - Memorandum on retaining students to teach at Ushaw College.
H204a-b - Statement of monies and from whence arising paid for the estate of Ushaw, with accounts for the Ushaw Farm and buildings, 1799-1800, as well as a list of stock and income.
H205 - Correspondence, including letters from M. Tierney, T. Wilkinson, J. Crook, C. Newsham, W. Walker, and others, on papers and books borrowed by Tierney.
H206 - Number not in use
H207 - Abstract of the history of the origin of Ushaw and St Edmund's.
H208 - Draft receipt for the Waterton Collection.
H209 - Printed song entitled Long Live the Yew Tree[2 copies].
H210 - [Bishop William Hogarth] replying to the Elenchusof the Third Provincial Synod of Westminster, with annotations by C. Newsham (draft).
H211 - Draft appeal for money for the founding of a college in the county of Durham.
H212 - Resolutions passed at a meeting of the secular clergy in Durham for the building of a college under the direction of the bishop of the Northern District.
H213 - Draft appeal, entitled Proposals to the Catholics of Great Britain for the establishment of a general school of education.
H214 - Further draft of UC/H213.
H215 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
H216 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
H217 - Memorandum by Thomas Eyre of £9,056 annuities.
H218 - Memorandum by Thomas Wilkinson about a book to be bought.
H219 - Draft circular letter by William Gibson to the clergy and laity for the establishment of a Catholic college.
H220 - Expenses of the first establishment of Crook Hall and a summary of accounts for its first year.
H221 - Account of the last days of Douai Coillege, October 1791 - March 1795.
H222 - Copy of UC/H4.
H223 - Number not in use
H224 - Sentiments of Mr Eyre of Hassop against the establishment of a school in England for ecclesiastics; and sentiments of Mr M. Tunstall of Wycliffe (April 1787) regarding an application to the state for relief from double-taxes, government by Ordinaries, and the endowing of a college in England.
H225 - Draft statement by Robert Banister supporting the raising of the pension of Douai College to £30 p.a., with an account of its income and expenditure and some review of its economic crises since its foundation.
H226 - Letter from Bishop William Gibson, Tudhoe, to John Orrell
H227 - Minsteracres resolutions (original), signed by William Gibson and Thomas Eyre, witnessed by H. Rutter and J. Silvertop.
H228 - Account by Thomas Eyre of funded property in his sole name.
H229 - Inventory of the furniture in Thomas Hearne's room at Ushaw College.
H230 - List of priests ordained at Ushaw College 1837 - 1883.
H231 - Decree of the Congregation of Propaganda, signed by J.B. Quarantotti, giving Ushaw the power to grant the degree of Doctor of Theology.
H232 - Latin Christmas Carol.
H233 - Ushaw College prize list.
H234 - Results achieved at London University by Ushaw and Stonyhurst students, 1863 - 1873.
H235 - Ground plan by G. D[unn] for a collegiate church at St Cuthbert's by building the new chapel as an extension to Pugin's.
H236 - Letter from Robert Hall, Crook Hall, to Robert Banister
H237 - Rules for Tudhoe school.
H238 - Letter from Charles Newsham to Cardinal Wiseman
H239 - Reminiscences by George Phillips of his life at Ushaw, compiled by Harold Burton.
H240 - Manuscript account of Douai College. This document cannot be located (December 1982) but may be UC/H253.
H241 - Income and obligations at Douai College.
H242 - List of cardinals, archbishops and bishops educated at Ushaw.
H243 - List of philosophy professors at Douai College, 1750-1776.
H244 - A note on Cardinal Allen with an impress of wax of a seal with the Allen arms.
H245 - Letter from J. Cremonini to [?Joseph Corbishley]
H246 - Poem entitled Christmas Pie.
H247 - Manuscript by R. Frank The history of Douay College.
H248 - Paper by Rev J. Gillow, entitled Crook Hall and the occupation of Ushaw, delivered to the Ushaw Archaeological Society.
H249 - Manuscript with articles entitled Suppression of the English Secular College at Douayand The foundation of the colleges at Crook Hall and Old Hall Green by the refugees from the English Secular Colleges at Douay and St Omer respectively.
H250 - Account of the life of Charles Waterton at Tudhoe school.
H251 - Copy agreement by Sir Walter Vavasour to sell Hazlewood Hall to Bishop Gibson and Rev J. Gillow.
H252 - Draft of a letter to the Northern Brethren [in the hand of Thomas Eyre] asking permission to allow up to £500 to be given towards the £12,000 required for the purchase of Hazlewood Hall from Sir Walter Vavasour.
H253 - Account of the English College at Douai. Written as an introduction to an appeal to the pope on behalf of Ushaw College.
H254 - List of philosophy professors at Douai, Crook and Ushaw, 1777 - 1849.
H255 - Music for a Requiem Mass [in Charles Newsham's hand].
H256 - Letter from Nicholas Wiseman, Paris, to Revd Mother (Howell) of the Dames Anglaises (Canoness of St Augustine), Neuilly
H257 - Letter from Mary Francis Fairbairn (subprioress of the Dames Anglaises, Neuilly) to Canon Thompson
H258 - Letter from Mary Francis Fairbairn (subprioress of the Dames Anglaises, Neuilly) to Canon Thompson
H259 - Declaration by the English Nuns at Paris concerning St Cuthbert's Ring.
H260 - Letter from Pope Pius XII to Bishop Joseph McCormack on the centenary celebration for St Aidan.
H261 - Number not in use
H262 - Inventory of goods at Tudhoe. This item cannot be located, 19 September 2012
H263 - Inventory of goods belonging to the clergy at Tudhoe.
H264 - List of subscriptions received by Anthony Lund for the building of Ushaw College.
H265 - Subscription book by Anthony Lund for the building of Ushaw College.
H266 - Programme for the 1908 Ushaw College centenary.
H267a-c - Three menus for the 1908 Ushaw College centenary.
H268 - Notes by William Wrennall on early Ushaw and correspondence, including Canon W. Brown to Wrennall, H[enry] B[rettargh] to R. Bilsborrow and E. Bonney to R. Bilsborrow.
H269a - Supplement to the Newcastle Daily Chronicleconcerning the Crook Hall centenary.
H269b - Printed theses
H270 - List of archival material connected with the history of Ushaw College.
H271 - Agreement (with copy) signed by Bishops Briggs, Brown and Mostyn to appoint a council or board to assist the bishops in considering annually the accounts and general state of Ushaw College.
H272 - Notes by Thomas Tatlock on Ushaw College history, with further notes of 1856-1859.
H273 - Letter from Thomas GIllow to [?]
H274 - Protest to the owners and occupiers of lands in Cornsay against allowing the practices of stinting the fields.
H275a - Letter from John Lingard to Thomas Sherburne
H275b - Letter from John Lingard to Thomas Sherburne
H276 - Printed circular announcing the appointment of William Fletcher as Vicar General.
H277 - Letter from Thomas Cookson to Francis Wilkinson
H278 - Letter from John Gillow to Cardinal Reisach (draft)
H279 - Letter from John Gillow to [Bishop William Hogarth] (draft)
H280 - Letter from Francis Sloane, Florence, to John Gillow
H281 - Offprint of Joseph Corbishley, Ushaw College, Catholic University Bulletin.
H282 - Books to be read by students at Ushaw
H283 - Printed Ushaw College programme for day of special prayer in time of war.
H284 - Manuscript of a short sketch or play at Ushaw College.
H285 - Letter from Pope Pius IX to St Cuthbert's Society
H286 - A note on the state of the Woolfe Fund at Douai College.
H287a-e - Receipts for John Penswick at Douai and Crook.
H288a-c - Richard Thompson's ordination certificates.
H289 - Letter from Thomas Berry, Thropton, to [Thomas Eyre]
H290 - Letter from [?], Connington, to [?]
H291 - Letter from John Glover, Houghton, to Charles Newsham
H292 - Letter from H. Rotti, Bordeaux, to Michael Gibson
H293 - Approval by Cardinal Wiseman for Bishop Hogarth and Charles Newsham to build the Junior Seminary, the infirmary and new wing, and for the use of some funds whose replacement is guaranteed by Hogarth.
H294 - Draft manuscript (in more than one hand) of Relatio status Collegii S. Cuthberti Diocesis Hagulstadensis, intended for the Congregation of Propaganda.
H295 - Draft manuscript by Bishop William Hogarth of Responsiones ad elenchum rerum in III Concilio Provinciali Westmonasteriensi tractandarum.
H296 - Ordobelonging to Edward Consitt with memoranda concerning Ushaw and other affairs. Includes a letter from W. Brown, Durham, to J. Broadhead, offering it for the archives.
H297 - List of the names of those buried in the college cemetery [2 copies].
H298 - Record of accounts.
H299 - Letter from William Croskell, Durham, to [?], Ushaw
H300 - Letter from Thomas Ennis, London, to William Hogarth
H301 - Letter from Edward Fairclough to William Hogarth
H302 - Letter from William Hall, Stella Hall, to William Hogarth
H303 - Letter from Richard Tuite to William Hogarth
H304 - Letter from Francis Sloane to William Hogarth
H305 - Letter from William Hogarth to R. Tuite (draft)
H306 - Letter from J.B. Marsh to William Hogarth
H307 - Letter from Francis Tuite to William Hogarth
H308 - Account for the West Wing.
H309 - Estimates for windmill.
H310 - Letter from J.B. Taylor to John Kirk
H311 - List of anniversaries at Ushaw.
H312 - Minutes of Thomas Eyre's correspondence, mostly about the protracted dealings which led to the choice of Crook Hall as the temporary college for the north.
H313 - Report by Robert Hogarth of the visitation made to St Cuthbert's College.
H314 - Declaration by Cardinal Wiseman about the Lancashire funds.
H315 - Letter from Bishop George Brown to Charles Newsham
H316 - Letter from Charles Newsham to the co-interested bishops
H317 - Letter from Charles Newsham to Bishop George Brown
H318 - Letter from Charles Newsham to Nicholas Wiseman
H319 - Letter from Charles Newsham to Nicholas Wiseman
H320 - Letter from Charles Newsham to Nicholas Wiseman
H321 - Letter from Charles Newsham to Nicholas Wiseman
H322 - Declaration by William Hogarth concerning Wiseman's approval to build the Junior Seminary, infirmary and the new wing.
H323 - Petition from the president and superiors of Ushaw to Cardinal Wiseman on the difficulties faced by Ushaw in becoming a pontifical college.
H324 - Letter from John Gillow, Rome, to Charles Newsham
H325 - Letter from Henry Edward Manning, Rome, to Charles Newsham
H326 - Letter from W. Thompson, Rome, to Charles Newsham
H327 - Letter from Henry Edward Manning, Rome, to Charles Newsham
H328 - Certificate of admission for Joseph Middleton to the Confraternity of Our Lady of Help.
H329 - Letter of protest from the bishops of Liverpool, Salford and Shrewsbury to Cardinal Wiseman, with copies of letters between Hogarth and themselves.
H330 - Printed circular by William Wrennall on the commencement of the building of the new church at Ushaw College, with a list of subscribers.
H331 - Congregation of Rites to Hexham and Newcastle
H332 - Printed scheme of lectures by R.N. Billington.
H333 - Letter from the Congregation of Rites to Ushaw College
H334 - Letter from the Congregation of Rites to Hexham and Newcastle
H335 - Letter from William Giles, Rome, to George Phillips
H336 - Letter from William Giles, Rome, to George Phillips
H337a - Letter from W.A. Johnson to [?]
H337b - Letter from W.A. Johnson to [?]
H338 - Letter from Congregation of Rites to Hexham and Newcastle
H339 - Manuscript by Nicholas Wiseman of Relazione della visita del Collegio e Seminario di S. Cuthbert.
H340 - Circular by Bishop Thomas Wilkinson proposing the decoration of the chapel as a centenary memorial.
H341 - Letter from the Congregation of the Consistory to Archbishop Francis Bourne (copy)
H342 - Letter from the Congregation of Rites to Ushaw College
H343 - Congregation of Seminaries and Universities concerning Mass obligations attached to funds, with annexed tables A-D.
H344 - Congregation of Seminaries and Universities concerning Mass obligations attached to funds.
H345 - Letter from the Secretariate of State to Charles Corbishley
H346 - Notice advertising a lay scholarship at Ushaw College.
H347 - Rules for Trapp on the ring.
H348 - Theses in Natural Philosophy
H349 - Page from a draft lease of land.
H350 - Typescript of rules and syllabus for Theological and Philosophical Studies at Ushaw College.
H351 - Account of the duties of the vice-president at Ushaw College.
H352a-b - Two draft copies of the regulations of St Cuthbert's College.
H353 - Manuscript
H354 - Letter from Bishop James Chadwick to the Congregation of Propaganda
H355 - Statement of monies paid for the estate of Ushaw, 1799-1800.
H356 - Letter from Manuel Arbella, envoy from the Cortes of Spain, to the Count of Antraiquez
H357 - Pope Pius IX granting indulgences to anyone saying prayers before a statue of Our Lady in the Junior House Chapel.
H358a-b - Letter from Bishop Alexander Goss, Monte Porzio, to Nicholas Wiseman [2 drafts]
H359 - Draft of a petition by Charles Newsham to Cardinal Wiseman claiming the right to select students to train or use as professors. Also includes a Latin draft of the same.
H360 - Declaration by George Kirkham promising to pay John Gillow £100.
H361 - John Briggs, president, owing the churchwarden of Brandon one year's church cess.
H362 - Description of the collection of Arundel prints at Ushaw.
H363 - Diary for academic year.
H364 - Number not in use
H365 - Subscription for the Lady Chapel.
H366 - Lists of those involved in the translation of relics, defensions, president's feast, and Newsham's funeral.
H367a - Statement of facts in relation to the award of an honorary M.A. degree to Bernard Payne.
H367b - University of Durham Gazette, vol. XIX (New Series), no. 2 (containing the Public Orator's speech at the conferral of the honorary degree of M.A. on Bernard Payne).
H368 - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda to Charles Newsham
H369 - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda to Ushaw College
H370 - Congregation of Propaganda
H371 - Bishop Francis Mostyn conceding a faculty for erecting the Confraternity of the Heart of Mary at Ushaw for the conversion of sinners.
H372 - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda to Ushaw College
H373 - Printed letter of the Director D. Desgenettes aggregating Ushaw College to the Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
H374 - Congregation of Propaganda
H375 - Congregation of Propaganda
H376 - Congregation of Propaganda
H377 - Congregation of Propaganda
H378 - Printed poster
H379 - Congregation of Propaganda
H380 - Pope Pius IX attaching three years' indulgence to visiting the cemetery at Ushaw and reciting the De Profundisand Fidelium.
H381 - Pope Leo XIII attaching a plenary indulgence on certain days to prayers before the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour at Ushaw College.
H382 - Printed formulary
H383 - Printed poster listing privileges for the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary.
H384 - Printed poster by John Proctor O.P., listing privileges for the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary.
H385 - Printed Latin formulary by William Brown of a petition to the bishop of Hexham and Newcastle erecting the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament.
H386 - Printed Latin formulary by Bishop Richard Collins erecting the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament at Ushaw College and giving the testimonial letter for aggregation to the Archconfraternity.
H387a-e - Correspondence concerning the painting of St Gregory the Great in the refectory at Ushaw College, including Edward Henson to Charles Corbishley, Romanos Rios to Charles Corbishley, and Juan Antonio Gaya Nuno to Paul Grant.
H388 - Printed poster by J. Janssens, S.J., erecting a confraternity for women of Our Lady of Help in St Joseph's chapel at Ushaw.
H389 - Draft by Charles Newsham of a petition to the Holy See for permission to erect a Confraternity of Our Lady of Help.
H390 - Petition of the president and professors of Ushaw to the Holy See (draft) asking that the college should be under the direct and sole government of the bishop of Hexham.
H391 - Draft petition by Charles Newsham to Nicholas Wiseman seeking the guaranteed right of reserving students to become professors.
H392 - Congregation of Propaganda
H393 - Draft of a protest by Bishop William Hogarth claiming sole jurisdiction over the college.
H394 - Petition of the president and professors of Ushaw to Cardinal Wiseman asking that the college should be under the direct and sole government of the bishop of Hexham.
H395 - Draft of UC/H394.
H396 - Copy of UC/H394.
H397 - English translation of the Douai College constitutions.
H398 - Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
H399 - Confraternity of the Apostleship of Prayer
H400 - Apostleship of Prayer
H401 - Appointment of Joseph Corbishley and his successors to the position of local directors.
H402 - Confraternity of the Heart of Mary
H403 - The Triumph of Newtonian Physics.
H404a-b - Westminster Vestment.
H405a - St Aidan's centenary
H405b - St Aidan's centenary
H406 - Report by the Northern Crosson Ushaw's 150th anniversary. This item cannot be located, 20 September 2012
H407 - Draft observations/petition by Charles Newsham asking for Wiseman as arbitrator between Ushaw and the bishops.
H408 - Manuscript written by T.M. entitled, Articles proposed to the Catholiques of England(Paris, 1648).
H409 - Letters of a monk of Durham Priory to Dom. William Wylom of Durham Priory.
H409a - Photocopy of an article in The Durham Philobiblonon monastic books.
H410 - Letter from Fr John Penswick to Dr Preston
H411 - Letter from Julian Watts-Russell to his father describing his battalion's skirmish with the Garibaldians at Monterotondo in Italy.
H412 - Manuscript entitled Folia De Concigi [?] Tratta Dall. Opera del Sabbeo Tadotta in Italiano. Libetto Prima.
H413 - Transcript of extracts from Bishop Dicconson's Douai College diary.
H414 - Photocopy of the will of Bishop John Leyburn.
LC - Lisbon College Archvie
MV - Big Library Manuscript Volumes
P1 - Bamber Papers
P2 - John Barrow Papers
P3 - Edwin Bonney Correspondence
P10 - Bishops' Appointments
P11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College Library
P12 - John Smith Papers
P13 - Eyre Papers
P14 - Bernard Payne Papers
P15 - Northern Vicariate Mission Papers
P16 - Thomas Wilkinson Papers
P17 - Merry del Val Papers
P18 - Bourne Family Papers
P19 - Oscott Papers
P20 - John Henry Newman Letters
P21 - Wilberforce Letters
P22 - Manning Letters
P23 - Jacobite Papers
P25 - John Lingard Papers
P26 - Charles Newsham Papers
P27 - English Martyrs Papers
P28 - Vincent Eyre Manuscripts
P29 - William Brown Papers
P30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater Papers
P31 - Edward Towers Papers
P32 - Vicariate/Diocesan Papers
P33 - Haydock Family Papers
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