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Expand AJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic MaterialAJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic Material
Expand AK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) PapersAK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) Papers
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Expand D5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain PapersD5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain Papers
Expand D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)
Expand D8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus ArchiveD8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus Archive
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Expand MV - Big Library Manuscript VolumesMV - Big Library Manuscript Volumes
Expand P1 - Bamber PapersP1 - Bamber Papers
Expand P2 - John Barrow PapersP2 - John Barrow Papers
Expand P3 - Edwin Bonney CorrespondenceP3 - Edwin Bonney Correspondence
Expand P10 - Bishops' AppointmentsP10 - Bishops' Appointments
Expand P11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College LibraryP11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College Library
Expand P12 - John Smith PapersP12 - John Smith Papers
Collapse P13 - Eyre PapersP13 - Eyre Papers
Expand 1 - 1. Eyre Family Papers1 - 1. Eyre Family Papers
Collapse 2 - 2. Eyre Correspondence2 - 2. Eyre Correspondence
1 - BANISTER, Robert
2 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
3 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
4 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
5 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
6 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
7 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
8 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
9 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
10 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
11 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
12 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
13 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
14 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
15 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
16 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
17 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
18 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
19 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
20 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
21 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
22 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
23 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
24 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
25 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
26 - Letter from Robert Banister to Vincent Eyre
27 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
28 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
29 - Letter from Robert Banister to Rev A. Storey
30 - Letter from Robert Banister to [?Thomas Eyre]
31 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
32 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
33 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
34 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
35 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
36 - Letter from Robert Banister to Thomas Eyre
37 - BARRETT, Basil
38 - BESNIER, B.P.O.
39 - BODLEY, Simon G.
40 - Letter from Simon G. Bodley to Thomas Eyre
42 - BROOMHEAD, Rowland
43 - Letter from Rowland Broomhead to Brian Marsh
44 - Letter from [Thomas Eyre] to Rowland Broomhead
45 - Declaration by Brian Marsh agreeing to repay his debts to the college
46 - Bond of payment of £200 by Brian Marsh to Thomas Eyre Stamped in the presence of John Lingard and John Bradley
47 - Letter from Rowland Broomhead to Thomas Eyre
47b - Letter from Rowland Broomhead to Thomas Eyre
48 - Letter from [?R. Broomhead] to [Brian Marsh] (sent to Thomas Eyre)
49 - Letter from Rowland Broomhead to Thomas Eyre
50 - Letter from Rowland Broomhead to Thomas Eyre
51-53 - BUTLER, Charles
54 - Comments by [Thomas Eyre] on Charles Butler's Horae Biblicae
55 - Letter from Charles Butler to Thomas Eyre
56 - Letter from Charles Butler to Thomas Eyre
57 - CAMERON, Alexander
58-60 - CLAVERING, John
61 - CLAYTON, Richard
62 - CORNE, John
63 - CRATHORNE, Francis
64 - Letter from Francis Crathorne to Thomas Eyre
64b - Letter from Francis Crathorne to Thomas Eyre
65 - CROSKELL, William
66 - Letter from William Croskell to Thomas Eyre
67 - Letter from William Croskell to Thomas Eyre
68 - Letter from William Croskell to Thomas Eyre
69 - Letter from William Croskell to Thomas Eyre
70 - DUNN, George
71 - ELLIS, James
72-74 - ENNIS, Margaret
75 - EYRE, Vincent
76 - FIELD, William
77 - FLEET, J.
78 - Letter from John Fletcher to Thomas Eyre
79 - FLETCHER, John
80-84 - FLETCHER, William
85-88 - GIBSON, M.
89 - Letter from M. Gibson to Thomas Eyre
90 - GIBSON, William
91 - Letter from William Gibson to Thomas Eyre
92 - Letter from William Gibson to Thomas Eyre
93 - Letter from William Gibson to Thomas Eyre
94 - GILBERT, N.
95 - Letter from Rev N. Gilbert to Thomas Eyre
96 - GILLOW, Thomas
97 - Letter from Thomas Gillow to Thomas Eyre
98 - Letter from Thomas Gillow to Thomas Eyre
99-100 - Letter from Thomas Gillow to Thomas Eyre (enclosing a letter from Sir John Cox Hippisly)
101 - Letter from Thomas Gillow to Thomas Eyre
102 - Letter from Thomas Gillow to Thomas Eyre
103 - HAY, George
104 - Letter from George Hay to Thomas Eyre
105 - HERBERT, Alexis
106 - Letter from Alexis Herbert to Thomas Eyre
109 - HULL, William
110 - Letter from William Hall to Thomas Eyre
111 - HURST, William
112-113 - Letter from William Hurst to Thomas Eyre
114 - Letter from William Hurst to Thomas Eyre
115 - Letter from William Hurst to Thomas Eyre
116 - Letter from William Hurst to Thomas Eyre
117 - Letter from William Hurst to Thomas Eyre
118 - JOHNSON, John
119 - Letter from John Johnson to Thomas Eyre
120 - Letter from John Johnson to Thomas Eyre
121-123 - Letter from John Johnson to Thomas Eyre
124 - JONES, Joanna
125-129 - KELLET, Henry
130 - LAKYE, P. R.
131 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
132 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
133 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
134 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
135-136 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
137 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
138 - LAULER, Dennis
139 - LAWSON, John
140 - Letter from John Lawson to Thomas Eyre
141 - Cheque from Sir John Lawson paying Thomas Eyre £37
142 - Letter from John Lawson to Thomas Eyre
143 - LEADBITTER, William
144 - LEIGH, James
145 - LONSDALE, John
146 - LUND, Anthony
147 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
148 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
149 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
150 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
151 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
152 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
153 - MARSHALL, Joseph
154 - Printed appeal by Joseph Marshall seeking subscriptions for the building of a new Catholic chapel at Carlisle
155 - Letter from Joseph Marshall to Thomas Eyre
156 - MacDONAGH, T.B.
157 - MILNER, John
158 - Letter from John Milner to Thomas Eyre
160 - ORRELL, Charles
161 - ORRELL, Joseph
162 - PENSWICK, Randolf
163 - PENSWICK, Thomas
164-171 - PERRY, John
172 - PETRE, Francis
173 - PILLING, John
174-179 - PLOWDEN, William
179 - POTTS, Eleanor
180 - POYNTER, William
181 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to William Poynter (draft reply)
182 - letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
183 - Letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
184 - Letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
185 - Letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
186 - RATTRAY, William
187 - RAYMENT, Benedict
188 - Letter from Benedict Rayment to Thomas Eyre
189 - REEVE, John
190 - RIGBY, John
191 - Letter from John Rigby to Thomas Eyre
192 - Letter from John Rigby to Thomas Eyre
192b - Letter from John Rigby to Thomas Eyre
193 - RIMMER, Richard
194 - ROSE, Christopher
195 - SAUL, Charles
196 - Letter from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre
197 - Letter from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre
198 - Letter from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre
199-200 - Letters from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre (with a draft reply from Eyre)
201-202 - SEYMOUR, William
203 - SELBY, Thomas
204-207 - Account statements/expenses for Master William Selby
208 - Letter from Thomas Selby to Thomas Eyre
209 - Letter from Thomas Selby to Thomas Eyre
210 - SHARP, Matthew
211-212 - Letter from Matthew Sharp to Thomas Eyre
213 - SILVERTOP, Jane
214 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
215 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
216 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
217 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
218 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
219 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
220 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
221 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
222 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
223 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
224-225 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre (with a draft reply from Eyre)
226 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
227 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
228 - SLATER, John
229 - SMETTER, John
230 - SMITH, Thomas
231 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
232 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
233 - Tax statement [possibly in Thomas Smith's hand] for interest on the purchase of a field occupied by Rev John Bell
234 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
235 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
236 - Account statement for Thomas Smith
237 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
238-239 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
240 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
241 - STOREY, Arthur
242 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
243 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
244 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
245 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
246 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
247 - Letter from Arthur Storey to (Master) Joseph Sloane
248 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
249 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
250 - Letter from Arthur Storey to (Master) Joseph Sloane
251 - Joseph Sloane's and Thomas Ennis's board expenses at Ushaw College
252 - Lertter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
253 - Letter from Arthur Storey to (Master) Joseph Sloane
254 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
255 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to Messrs Drummond (Bankers) (draft)
256 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
257 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
258 - STOREY, Thomas
259 - Letter from Thomas Storey to Thomas Eyre
260 - Letter from Thomas Storey to Thomas Eyre
261 - STOUT, Thomas
262 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
263 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
264 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
265 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
266 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
267 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
268 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
269 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
270 - Printed appeal seeking subscriptions for a new chapel at Carlisle
271 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
272 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
273 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
274 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
275 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
276 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
277 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
278 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
279 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
280 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
281 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
282 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
283 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
284 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
285 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
286 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
287 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
288 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
289 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
290 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
291 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
292-293 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
294 - THOMPSON, Richard
295 - Letter from Richard Thompson to Thomas Eyre
296 - Letter from Richard Thompson to Thomas Eyre
297 - TIDYMAN, Michael
298 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
299 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
300 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
301 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
302 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
303 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
304 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
305 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
306 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
307 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
308 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
309 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
310 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
311 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
312 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
313 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
314 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
315 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
316 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
317 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
318 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
319 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
320 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
321 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
322 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
323 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
324 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
325 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
326 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
327 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
328 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
329 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
330 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
331 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
332 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
333 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
334 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
335 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
336 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
337 - Letter from Thomas Cock to [?Thomas Eyre]
338 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
339 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
340 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
341 - TUNSTALL, Marmaduke
342 - letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
343 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
344 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
345 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
346 - letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
347 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
348-360 - TURVILLE, F. Fortescue
361 - VEZIEL, Charles
362 - WHALLEY, Richard
362b - Letter from Richard Whalley (O.S.F.) to Thomas Eyre
363-364 - WHEBLE, Jane
365 - WILKINSON, Thomas
366 - WILSON, Marmaduke
367-369 - WRIGHT, Thomas
370 - WORSWICK, James
371 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
372 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
373 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
374 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
375 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
376 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
377 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
378 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
379 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
380 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
381 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to James Worswick (draft)
382 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
383 - WYNDHAM, Philip
384 - Letter from Philip Wyndham to Thomas Eyre
385 - Letter from Philip Wyndham to Thomas Eyre
387 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to Nicholas Clavering
388 - Fragment of a letter by Thomas Eyre praising the recipient for his assistance in a mission
389 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to William Seymour
390 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to William Seymour
Expand 3 - 3. Personal Papers3 - 3. Personal Papers
Expand P14 - Bernard Payne PapersP14 - Bernard Payne Papers
Expand P15 - Northern Vicariate Mission PapersP15 - Northern Vicariate Mission Papers
Expand P16 - Thomas Wilkinson PapersP16 - Thomas Wilkinson Papers
Expand P17 - Merry del Val PapersP17 - Merry del Val Papers
Expand P18 - Bourne Family PapersP18 - Bourne Family Papers
Expand P19 - Oscott PapersP19 - Oscott Papers
Expand P20 - John Henry Newman LettersP20 - John Henry Newman Letters
Expand P21 - Wilberforce LettersP21 - Wilberforce Letters
Expand P22 - Manning LettersP22 - Manning Letters
Expand P23 - Jacobite PapersP23 - Jacobite Papers
Expand P25 - John Lingard PapersP25 - John Lingard Papers
Expand P26 - Charles Newsham PapersP26 - Charles Newsham Papers
Expand P27 - English Martyrs PapersP27 - English Martyrs Papers
Expand P28 - Vincent Eyre ManuscriptsP28 - Vincent Eyre Manuscripts
Expand P29 - William Brown PapersP29 - William Brown Papers
Expand P30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater PapersP30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater Papers
Expand P31 - Edward Towers PapersP31 - Edward Towers Papers
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/WebResource.axd?d=XkRJUxGgWHhy3iLxul3yR2AQu1e7EpB-Cr_gLYu3doxt9NIMxJpCuLJVAd3g999PJQkP76c1r-LD2lql2kgo7KMF8JKyKAkf9DV58F_zY27TNBo6LqlZYOBelDMC22pd0&t=638628243619783110" alt="" />124 - JONES, Joanna
125-129 - KELLET, Henry
130 - LAKYE, P. R.
131 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
132 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
133 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
134 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
135-136 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
137 - Letter from P.R. Layke to Thomas Eyre
138 - LAULER, Dennis
139 - LAWSON, John
140 - Letter from John Lawson to Thomas Eyre
141 - Cheque from Sir John Lawson paying Thomas Eyre £37
142 - Letter from John Lawson to Thomas Eyre
143 - LEADBITTER, William
144 - LEIGH, James
145 - LONSDALE, John
146 - LUND, Anthony
147 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
148 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
149 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
150 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
151 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
152 - Letter from Anthony Lund to Thomas Eyre
153 - MARSHALL, Joseph
154 - Printed appeal by Joseph Marshall seeking subscriptions for the building of a new Catholic chapel at Carlisle
155 - Letter from Joseph Marshall to Thomas Eyre
156 - MacDONAGH, T.B.
157 - MILNER, John
158 - Letter from John Milner to Thomas Eyre
160 - ORRELL, Charles
161 - ORRELL, Joseph
162 - PENSWICK, Randolf
163 - PENSWICK, Thomas
164-171 - PERRY, John
172 - PETRE, Francis
173 - PILLING, John
174-179 - PLOWDEN, William
179 - POTTS, Eleanor
180 - POYNTER, William
181 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to William Poynter (draft reply)
182 - letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
183 - Letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
184 - Letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
185 - Letter from William Poynter to Thomas Eyre
186 - RATTRAY, William
187 - RAYMENT, Benedict
188 - Letter from Benedict Rayment to Thomas Eyre
189 - REEVE, John
190 - RIGBY, John
191 - Letter from John Rigby to Thomas Eyre
192 - Letter from John Rigby to Thomas Eyre
192b - Letter from John Rigby to Thomas Eyre
193 - RIMMER, Richard
194 - ROSE, Christopher
195 - SAUL, Charles
196 - Letter from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre
197 - Letter from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre
198 - Letter from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre
199-200 - Letters from Charles Saul to Thomas Eyre (with a draft reply from Eyre)
201-202 - SEYMOUR, William
203 - SELBY, Thomas
204-207 - Account statements/expenses for Master William Selby
208 - Letter from Thomas Selby to Thomas Eyre
209 - Letter from Thomas Selby to Thomas Eyre
210 - SHARP, Matthew
211-212 - Letter from Matthew Sharp to Thomas Eyre
213 - SILVERTOP, Jane
214 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
215 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
216 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
217 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
218 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
219 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
220 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
221 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
222 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
223 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
224-225 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre (with a draft reply from Eyre)
226 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
227 - Letter from Jane Silvertop to Thomas Eyre
228 - SLATER, John
229 - SMETTER, John
230 - SMITH, Thomas
231 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
232 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
233 - Tax statement [possibly in Thomas Smith's hand] for interest on the purchase of a field occupied by Rev John Bell
234 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
235 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
236 - Account statement for Thomas Smith
237 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
238-239 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
240 - Letter from Thomas Smith to Thomas Eyre
241 - STOREY, Arthur
242 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
243 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
244 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
245 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
246 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
247 - Letter from Arthur Storey to (Master) Joseph Sloane
248 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
249 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
250 - Letter from Arthur Storey to (Master) Joseph Sloane
251 - Joseph Sloane's and Thomas Ennis's board expenses at Ushaw College
252 - Lertter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
253 - Letter from Arthur Storey to (Master) Joseph Sloane
254 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
255 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to Messrs Drummond (Bankers) (draft)
256 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
257 - Letter from Arthur Storey to Thomas Eyre
258 - STOREY, Thomas
259 - Letter from Thomas Storey to Thomas Eyre
260 - Letter from Thomas Storey to Thomas Eyre
261 - STOUT, Thomas
262 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
263 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
264 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
265 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
266 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
267 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
268 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
269 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
270 - Printed appeal seeking subscriptions for a new chapel at Carlisle
271 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
272 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
273 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
274 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
275 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
276 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
277 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
278 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
279 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
280 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
281 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
282 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
283 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
284 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
285 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
286 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
287 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
288 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
289 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
290 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
291 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
292-293 - Letter from Thomas Stout to Thomas Eyre
294 - THOMPSON, Richard
295 - Letter from Richard Thompson to Thomas Eyre
296 - Letter from Richard Thompson to Thomas Eyre
297 - TIDYMAN, Michael
298 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
299 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
300 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
301 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
302 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
303 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
304 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
305 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
306 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
307 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
308 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
309 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
310 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
311 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
312 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
313 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
314 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
315 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
316 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
317 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
318 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
319 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
320 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
321 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
322 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
323 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
324 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
325 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
326 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
327 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
328 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
329 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
330 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
331 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
332 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
333 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
334 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
335 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
336 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
337 - Letter from Thomas Cock to [?Thomas Eyre]
338 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
339 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
340 - Letter from Michael Tidyman to Thomas Eyre
341 - TUNSTALL, Marmaduke
342 - letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
343 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
344 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
345 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
346 - letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
347 - Letter from Marmaduke Tunstall to Thomas Eyre
348-360 - TURVILLE, F. Fortescue
361 - VEZIEL, Charles
362 - WHALLEY, Richard
362b - Letter from Richard Whalley (O.S.F.) to Thomas Eyre
363-364 - WHEBLE, Jane
365 - WILKINSON, Thomas
366 - WILSON, Marmaduke
367-369 - WRIGHT, Thomas
370 - WORSWICK, James
371 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
372 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
373 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
374 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
375 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
376 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
377 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
378 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
379 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
380 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
381 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to James Worswick (draft)
382 - Letter from James Worswick to Thomas Eyre
383 - WYNDHAM, Philip
384 - Letter from Philip Wyndham to Thomas Eyre
385 - Letter from Philip Wyndham to Thomas Eyre
387 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to Nicholas Clavering
388 - Fragment of a letter by Thomas Eyre praising the recipient for his assistance in a mission
389 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to William Seymour
390 - Letter from Thomas Eyre to William Seymour
Expand 3 - 3. Personal Papers3 - 3. Personal Papers
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Expand P18 - Bourne Family PapersP18 - Bourne Family Papers
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Expand P20 - John Henry Newman LettersP20 - John Henry Newman Letters
Expand P21 - Wilberforce LettersP21 - Wilberforce Letters
Expand P22 - Manning LettersP22 - Manning Letters
Expand P23 - Jacobite PapersP23 - Jacobite Papers
Expand P25 - John Lingard PapersP25 - John Lingard Papers
Expand P26 - Charles Newsham PapersP26 - Charles Newsham Papers
Expand P27 - English Martyrs PapersP27 - English Martyrs Papers
Expand P28 - Vincent Eyre ManuscriptsP28 - Vincent Eyre Manuscripts
Expand P29 - William Brown PapersP29 - William Brown Papers
Expand P30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater PapersP30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater Papers
Expand P31 - Edward Towers PapersP31 - Edward Towers Papers
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Expand P33 - Haydock Family PapersP33 - Haydock Family Papers

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