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Collapse UC - Ushaw College AdministrationUC - Ushaw College Administration
Expand AB - Ushaw College Administration: Financial RecordsAB - Ushaw College Administration: Financial Records
Expand AC - Ushaw College Administration: Estate RecordsAC - Ushaw College Administration: Estate Records
Expand AD - Ushaw College Administration: Building RecordsAD - Ushaw College Administration: Building Records
Expand AE - Ushaw College Administration: Teaching RecordsAE - Ushaw College Administration: Teaching Records
Expand AF - Ushaw College Administration: Chapel RecordsAF - Ushaw College Administration: Chapel Records
Expand AG - Ushaw College Administration: Library RecordsAG - Ushaw College Administration: Library Records
Expand AH - College Life RecordsAH - College Life Records
Expand AJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic MaterialAJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic Material
Expand AK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) PapersAK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) Papers
Expand AL - Ushaw College Administration: Objects and Museum RecordsAL - Ushaw College Administration: Objects and Museum Records
Expand D2 - Constitution PapersD2 - Constitution Papers
Expand D3 - Catholic Student Council PapersD3 - Catholic Student Council Papers
Expand D4 - Catholics for a Changing Church ArchiveD4 - Catholics for a Changing Church Archive
Expand D5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain PapersD5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain Papers
Expand D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)
Expand D8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus ArchiveD8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus Archive
Expand H - Ushaw College History PapersH - Ushaw College History Papers
Expand LC - Lisbon College ArchvieLC - Lisbon College Archvie
Expand MV - Big Library Manuscript VolumesMV - Big Library Manuscript Volumes
Expand P1 - Bamber PapersP1 - Bamber Papers
Expand P2 - John Barrow PapersP2 - John Barrow Papers
Expand P3 - Edwin Bonney CorrespondenceP3 - Edwin Bonney Correspondence
Expand P10 - Bishops' AppointmentsP10 - Bishops' Appointments
Expand P11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College LibraryP11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College Library
Expand P12 - John Smith PapersP12 - John Smith Papers
Expand P13 - Eyre PapersP13 - Eyre Papers
Expand P14 - Bernard Payne PapersP14 - Bernard Payne Papers
Expand P15 - Northern Vicariate Mission PapersP15 - Northern Vicariate Mission Papers
Expand P16 - Thomas Wilkinson PapersP16 - Thomas Wilkinson Papers
Expand P17 - Merry del Val PapersP17 - Merry del Val Papers
Expand P18 - Bourne Family PapersP18 - Bourne Family Papers
Expand P19 - Oscott PapersP19 - Oscott Papers
Expand P20 - John Henry Newman LettersP20 - John Henry Newman Letters
Collapse P21 - Wilberforce LettersP21 - Wilberforce Letters
1 - Letter from Arthur Wilberforce to his parents [Henry W. and Mary Wilberforce]
2 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
3 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
4 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
5 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
6 - Letter from Arthur to Henry E. Wilberforce
7 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
8 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
9 - Letter from Henry to his mother
10 - Letter from Arthur to Caroline [?Wilberforce, sister]
11 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
12 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
13 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
14 - Letter from Arthur to Caroline
15 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
16 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
17 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
18 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
19 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
20 - Letter from Henry to his mother
21 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
22 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
23 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
24 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
25 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
26 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
27 - Letter from Arthur to Henry
28 - Letter from Arthur to his parents, written from the Oratory in Birmingham
29 - Letter from Arthur to Agnes [?Wilberforce, sister], written from the Oratory in Birmingham
30 - Letter from Arthur to his parents, written from the Oratory in Birmingham
31 - Letter from Arthur to his parents, written from the Oratory in Birmingham
32 - Letter from Arthur to his father, written from the Oratory in Birmingham
33 - Letter from Arthur to his father, written from the Oratory in Birmingham
34 - Letter from Henry to his parents
35 - Letter from Arthur to his father
36 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
37 - Letter from Henry to his parents
38 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
39 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
40 - Letter from Henry to his parents
41 - Letter from Henry to his parents
42 - Letter from Arthur to Henry
43 - Letter from Arthur to Agnes
44 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
45 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
46 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
47 - Letter from Henry to his father
48 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
49 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
50 - Letter from Henry to his parents
51 - Letter from Arthur to Henry
52 - Letter from Henry to his parents
53 - Letter from Henry to his parents
54 - Letter from Henry to Arthur
55 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
56 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
57 - Letter from Wilfrid to Henry
58 - Letter from Henry to Agnes sending Wilfrid's letter
59 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
60 - Letter from Henry W. Wilberforce to his son, Henry
61 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
62 - Letter from J.A.V. Maude to Henry
63 - Letter from Henry to his parents
64 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
65 - Letter from Mary to her children (at Ushaw)
65a - Letter from Mary to her children (at Ushaw)
66 - Letter from Mary to Agnes (at Ushaw)
67 - Letter from T.J. to Agnes, written from the Fransciscan Convent in Woodcheste
68 - Letter from Henry to his mother, written from the Oratory at Birmingham
69 - Letter from Henry to his parents
70 - Letter (incomplete) from [Henry] to [?his parents]
71 - Letter (incomplete) from [Henry] to [?his parents]
72 - Letter from Arthur to his mother
73 - Letter from Arthur to his parents
74 - Letter from Henry to Agnes
75 - Letter from R. Corboy to Mother Frideswide
76 - Letter from Helan Wilberforce
77 - Biographical information on Henry E. Wilberforce.
Expand P22 - Manning LettersP22 - Manning Letters
Expand P23 - Jacobite PapersP23 - Jacobite Papers
Expand P25 - John Lingard PapersP25 - John Lingard Papers
Expand P26 - Charles Newsham PapersP26 - Charles Newsham Papers
Expand P27 - English Martyrs PapersP27 - English Martyrs Papers
Expand P28 - Vincent Eyre ManuscriptsP28 - Vincent Eyre Manuscripts
Expand P29 - William Brown PapersP29 - William Brown Papers
Expand P30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater PapersP30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater Papers
Expand P31 - Edward Towers PapersP31 - Edward Towers Papers
Expand P32 - Vicariate/Diocesan PapersP32 - Vicariate/Diocesan Papers
Expand P33 - Haydock Family PapersP33 - Haydock Family Papers

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