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UC - Ushaw College Administration
AB - Ushaw College Administration: Financial Records
AC - Ushaw College Administration: Estate Records
AD - Ushaw College Administration: Building Records
AE - Ushaw College Administration: Teaching Records
AF - Ushaw College Administration: Chapel Records
AG - Ushaw College Administration: Library Records
AH - College Life Records
AJ - Ushaw College Administration: Photographic Material
AK - St Cuthbert's Society (Ushaw) Papers
AL - Ushaw College Administration: Objects and Museum Records
D2 - Constitution Papers
D3 - Catholic Student Council Papers
D4 - Catholics for a Changing Church Archive
D5 - Vernacular Society of Great Britain Papers
D6 - Papers of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans (English Group)
D8 - Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus Archive
H - Ushaw College History Papers
LC - Lisbon College Archvie
MV - Big Library Manuscript Volumes
P1 - Bamber Papers
P2 - John Barrow Papers
P3 - Edwin Bonney Correspondence
P10 - Bishops' Appointments
P11 - Miscellaneous Sermons in Ushaw College Library
P12 - John Smith Papers
P13 - Eyre Papers
P14 - Bernard Payne Papers
P15 - Northern Vicariate Mission Papers
P16 - Thomas Wilkinson Papers
P17 - Merry del Val Papers
P18 - Bourne Family Papers
P19 - Oscott Papers
P20 - John Henry Newman Letters
P21 - Wilberforce Letters
P22 - Manning Letters
P23 - Jacobite Papers
1 - Declaration by James Francis Edward Stuart, addressed to all Kings,
2 - [Title page?] of a Latin epigram rejoicing in the expected birth of Charles Edward Stuart.
3 - Letter from Tyrrell to Padre Proni,
4 - Letter (draft) from [?] to Monsieur [?], passing on M. Dillon's enclosure to Maria Clementina Sobieska.
5 - Letter (draft) from [?] to Monsieur [?], on the recovery of a ring belonging to James Stuart.
6 - Letter (draft) from [?] to Monsieur [?] relating to the humiliation he has suffered at court.
7-8 - Letter (draft) to Monsieur [?] relating to his decision to follow Monsieur Dillon's advice and avoid those who seek to make capital out of others' misfortunes,
9 - Certificate of James Stuart that Walter Thomas Tyrrell, an Irish Catholic gentleman studying at Propaganda,
10 - Declaration, signed by the Lieutenant Colonel, Major and Captains of Dillon's Irish Regiment,
11 - Letter from the Congregation of Propaganda, on behalf of Cardinal Gualterio, to Georges-Louis de Berghes, bishop of Liège,
12 - Letter from the archdeacon of Tasso to Tyrrell agreeing with the latter's request that he can take possession of his benefice.
13 - Letter from [Mr?] Creagh of Bolognia to Tyrrell confirming that the cardinal of Datary has told the queen that Tyrrell's benefice is no longer available.
14 - Letter from the archdeacon of Tasso to Tyrrell confirming his receipt of Tyrrell's letter and requesting him to forward money.
15 - Letter from [Mr?] Creagh of Bolognia to Tyrrell about James Stuart's gratitude for his letter and the death of his cousin, Abbé Creagh of Strasbourg.
16 - Letter from Tyrrell to his cousin, Count Tyrrell, relating to the position of the elector of Cologne and Mary of Modena's recommendation.
17 - Press cutting from the Country Journalconcerning French officers recruiting in Ireland.
18 - Document entitled A list of the Catholics and Protestant Families in Ireland,
19 - Draft letter (incomplete) from Tyrrell to James Stuart urging an immediate invasion of Britain,
20 - Letter from James Edgar, James Stuart's secretary,
21 - Letter from Cardinal Ruspoli to Tyrrell concerning the pope's opinion on a memorial sent to him by Tyrrell and urging him to appoint an agent to represent him in the Dataria.
22 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell commenting on the favourable health of James Stuart and his family.
23 - Letter from Louis Wood to Tyrrell on the lack of vacant benefices and the cardinal of Dataria's decision to resign his own benefice to M. Moreau.
24 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell on his inability to assist him with the vacant benefice at Liège.
25 - Letter from Prince de Grimberghen to Tyrrell thanking him for his assistance and promising to repay him in the future.
26 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell on the latter's memorial to replace his disputed benefice with a simpler one at Liège and James Stuart's decision to send his memorial to the Dataria.
27a - Letter (draft) from Tyrrell to [the bishop of Liège] requesting the bishop's assistance in recommending him to the pope for the Ardagh position which will allow him to assist Charles Edward Stuart's operations.
27b - Letter from Tyrrell to [?] on the vacancies in Kilmore and Ardagh and his interest in the Ardagh position.
28 - Letter from the count of Montijo, Spanish ambassador to France, to Tyrrell on his desire to assist Tyrrell in secret,
29a - Letter (draft) from Tyrrell to James Stuart on meeting the count of Montijo and Montijo's recommendation of Tyrrell for the vacant Ferns see in Ireland.
29b - Letter (draft) from Tyrrell to James Edgar on his petition to be recommended to James Stuart for the vacant see at Leinster.
30 - Letter from John Dempsy (Tyrrell's nephew) to Tyrrell concerning news of the taking of Menin and the possibility of occupying Ypres during the War of the Austrian Succession.
31 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the taking of Ypres and planned sieges during a campaign [probably in the War of the Austrian Succession].
32 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on his involvement with the Irish Brigade in the Battle of Fontenoy during the War of the Austrian Succession.
33 - Letter (damaged) from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five, including the plundering of the Highlanders after every victory,
34a - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five, including the embarkation of the royal forces at Dunkirk and their safe arrival in Scotland,
34b - Letter from [?] to [Tyrrell?] concerning the chasing of two French ships, the Louis XIVand the Saint Bernard, by English ships to Peterhead,
35 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five, including news of the safe arrival of the Royal Scotch in Scotland [regiment commanded by John Drummond,
36 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
37 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
38 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
39a - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
39b - Letter from Captain Tyrrell Peatach to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
40 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
41 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
42 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
43 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
44 - Letter from Dempsy to Tyrrell on the progress of the 'Forty Five,
45 - Letter from Edgar to Tyrrell concerning James Stuart's success in obtaining a dispensation for Tyrrell and the possibility of Tyrrell returning home following the eventual success of Charles Stuart.
46 - Copy, probably of a diary extract, of news from Dunkirk and Charles Stuart's campaign in Scotland.
47 - Letter from [Mr?] Grant to Tyrrell relating to the scattering of the brigade along the east coast of Scotland and the return of Charles Stuart to France.
48 - Letter from Cardinal Petra, of the Congregation of Propaganda, to Tyrrell concerning Tyrrell's difficulties in getting home to take the oath at Propaganda.
49 - Incomplete mauscript by Tyrrell, entitled History of Events of 1745.
50 - Draft manuscript, entitled Curiosity of Historyon revelations of George II's illegitimacy.
51 - Prince Charles Edward, Harangue faite par Charles Edouard d'Ecosse a son armee ...(1745)
52 - Printed protestation at the terms of the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle and at all treaties since the usurpation.
53 - Draft letters in Latin and English from Tyrrell to the cardinals and to the royal secretary with New Year greetings and reporting the poor state of his health.
54 - Letter from M. Smithto Tyrrell stating that M. Johnson [Charles Edward Stuart] is requesting Tyrrell's company for supper.
55 - Letter from Clancarty(Maccarty), possibly a pseudonym, to Tyrrell informing him of his intentions to call upon him.
56 - Letter from Clancartyto Tyrrell on M. de Sionville's intentions to meet Mr Johnson (Charles Edward Stuart).
57 - Letter from Tyrrell to Madame [?] concerning James Stuart's decision to offer Charles's mistress a pension to go into a convent and requesting the correspondent to use her influence to this end.
58 - Copy of an agreement (written in Tyrrell's hand) to lease a house on behalf of Charles Stuart.
59 - Rent agreement showing payments made by Tyrrell on behalf of Smithand Johnson(Charles Edward Stuart).
60 - Manuscript fragment concerning janson(Charles Edward Stuart) returning to Liège.
61 - List of Irish killed and wounded during a campaign [probably in the Seven Year's War].
62 - Letter from M. Sheldon to Tyrrell, passing on orders for Jones.
63 - Letter from M. Sheldon to Tyrrell on the latest news from Lieutenant Clancarty and Mr Douglas, as well as the Seven Years' War.
64 - Letter from Rothe to [Clancarty] on support for Tyrrell by Lord Liamore.
65 - Letter (draft) from Tyrrell to Fr Magginis, guardian of the Irish Franciscans in Prague, on Charles Stuart's hopes of a speedily arranged marriage.
66 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell concerning the latter's desire to secure a canonry for his nephew at Lille.
67 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell with seasons greetings.
68 - Letter from Lord Alford to Tyrrell concerning Tyrrell's difficulties in taking possession of his benefice and seeking James Stuart's assistance.
69 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell on James Stuart's inability to assist Tyrrell and his nephew in the difficulties they are experiencing with their benefices.
70b - Letter from Choiseul, copied by Lord Alford, showing that France will only accept naturalised Irishmen as nominees for benefices.
71 - Letter from Clancarty to Tyrrell on the latter's poor health.
72 - Letter from Lord Alford to Tyrrell on James Stuart's inability to help with the canonry of Lille and also expecting Tyrrell to continue to support his nephew.
73 - Letter from James Edgar to Tyrrell on James Stuart's inability to help with the canonry of Lille and also expecting Tyrrell to continue to support his nephew.
74a - Letter from Tyrrell to [?] offering himself as an agent for Charles Stuart in Ireland.
74b - Letter from Tyrrell to James Edgar giving New Year greetings to James Stuart.
74c - Letter from Tyrrell to Lord Alford reiterating that he is not seeking financial assistance for his nephew.
74d - Letter from Tyrrell to the dean of Liège on Tyrrell's poor health.
75 - Letter from [Lord] Alford to Tyrrell on the declining health of James Stuart.
76 - Letter from Andrew Lumisden to Tyrrell on the declining health of James Stuart.
77 - Letter from Andrew Lumisden on the death of James Stuart, Charles's late arrival, and the need for Rome to acknowledge his titles.
78 - Letter from Andrew Lumisden to Tyrrell concerning Charles Stuart's behaviour towards Tyrrell and his agreement to take on Tyrrell's nephew, Fitzgerald, as his chaplain.
79 - Letter from Tyrrell to Charles Stuart wishing him seasons greetings.
80 - Letter from the archbishop of Toulouse to Charles Stuart, with his response attached, on the subject of the Christian attitude towards war.
81 - Fragment of a manuscript on European military and naval matters.
82 - Copy of a letter from the cardinal de Bavarie (bishop of Liège) to the cardinal duke of York [Henry Stuart] promising to seek information on Robinson.
83 - List sent by [?] to Tyrrell of James Stuart's household (those unknown to Tyrrell) and urging Tyrrell to destroy it once he has read it.
84 - Manuscript written by Tyrrell of an account of Charles Stuart following his return from Scotland and of his life with Clementine Walkinshaw,
85 - A further manuscript written by Tyrrell of Charles Stuart's travels, covering 1746-1756.
86 - Notes on money lent to Mr Johnson(aka Charles Stuart) and rough notes on Charles Stuart's travels.
87 - Inventory compiled by Tyrrell of furniture left by Madame Moyen in her house,
88 - Receipt for the rent of Johnsonand Smithup to St John's day [24 June].
89 - Lists of aliases and code names to be used in correspondence.
90 - Typescript copy of De Juramento Fidelitatis, (Stoneyhurst MSS. A. IV. ii. 13, no. 144). (On the lawfulness of abjuring the Pretender).
P25 - John Lingard Papers
P26 - Charles Newsham Papers
P27 - English Martyrs Papers
P28 - Vincent Eyre Manuscripts
P29 - William Brown Papers
P30 - Radclyffe/Derwentwater Papers
P31 - Edward Towers Papers
P32 - Vicariate/Diocesan Papers
P33 - Haydock Family Papers
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