
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
DateLate 18th century
DescriptionOn the flyleaf: "This book is very valuable containing 'The Evangelque Pearle' by the famous Fr. Walsingham, S.J. & being the only copy of it now known to be extant. Br. Foley, S.J., borrowed this book & quoted from it in his 'Records.'" [1789 added in later].
- The Stations in Prayer in the garden, [pp. 1-2].
- Devotions for the Renovation, [3-4].
- 14 blank pages.
- The Evangeleque Pearle, or A Treatise of Mentall Prayer wherby it is made easy to all ages; sex; and Capacities, 33 pp.
- Points in the Spiritual Exercises to be Conferred of with our Spirituall Father, 34 pp.
- A tretise of confession fitted to the use of Religious persons, 26 pp.
- An examen of conscience for Religious persons, 10 pp.
- Meditations for the Spirituall Exercises, 86 pp.
- 2 blank pages.
- Prayers and extracts, 2 pp. followed by a blank page, and another page of extracts.
- A meditation contayning the practise of the recollection that may be mayde every weeke or month which is as followeth, 4 pp.
- By way of aspirition, 2 pp.
- A morning oblation, 3 pp. A blank page follows.
- A good night to my Good Angell, 2 pp.
- The Afections of a True Penitent, 1 p. followed by a blank page.
- A copy of a letter writen to an Abess by Sister of the 3rd order of St. Frances called Victore who lived att Rome and dyed in esteem pf a sainct. Itt is the only one she writt in all her Life and that by obedience, 2 pp.
- Meditations of the incomparable Doctor Saint Augustine, 4 pp.
- A Colloque to the Sacred Crib, 7 pp. followed by a blank page.
- Aspirations for Advent, 1 p.
- Of Religious Vows in generall, 1 pp. followed by 2 blank pages and then the continuation 5 pp.
- The Explication of our Holy Habitt, 2 pp.
- A pious letter from a Religious Monck to his Sister being Novice and upon the point of her profession, 2 pp.
- A Meditation of the Right Use of Afflictions, 4 pp.
- give us this day, 1 line followed by 5 blank pages.
- various prayers, 2 pp.
- Preparation for the Renovation, 1 p. followed by a blank page.
- A meditation to conclude the renovation, 1 p. followed by a blank page.
- The eve of the renovation, 1 p. followed by a blank page.
- Considerations for the three days of the renovation of vows, 1 p. followed by a blank page and then continues for 5 pp.

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