
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
TitleGuyana Institute for Social Research and Action
Admin_HistoryFr Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ, a trained economist, conducted a survey in 1967 on the needs of the Catholic Church in Guyana. One recommendation of his report [see GUY/12/5] was the establishment of a social institute in Guyana. The institute, GISRA, was founded in 1968, and produced a number of reports and publications on poverty and justice. Fr Campbell-Johnston was called to Rome in January 1976 to take up a post in the Socio-Economic Development Secretariat. For further correspondence relating to the survey and the work of GISRA, see GUY/6/22.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.

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