
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/SA/1/3/1
TitleCorrespondence to and from St Aidan's
DescriptionCorrespondence from the Rectors of St Aidan's (namely: Fr John Ryan SJ, Fr Herman Walmesley SJ, Fr William Fitzgerald SJ, Fr Christopher Wilmot SJ) and staff (Fr Alphonsus Vogt SJ, Fr Cuthbert Meyer SJ) to various Father Provincials and to the Province Procurator, Fr George Sidgreaves SJ, mostly on financial matters. A letter of Fr Ryan, 4 Feb 1895, to Fr Prov [Frances Scoles] gives details of the number of boarders and day scholars, staff commitments and details of the classes at St Aidan's. There is also a receipt for a £1000 loan for the College received in 1904.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.

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