
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/SJ/21/6/2
TitleLetters at the end of the Provincialate
DateJanuary 1950-March 1950
DescriptionThe file contains letters expressing appreciation and sadness at the news of the end of D’Arcy’s Provincialate. There is also one letter from R Carrington SJ dated 13 February 1950 which may in fact be addressed to Fr Edward Helsham, D’Arcy’s successor. Correspondents include:
- W[illiam] D'Andria SJ
- Bernard Basset SJ
- George H Barrett SJ
- L[uke] Bellanti SJ
- Kevin Booth SJ
- R[obert] Bulbeck SJ
- [B C Bulter]
- James Christie SJ
- Paul Crane SJ
- Bishop of Southwark Cyril Conrad Cowderoy
- Christopher Devlin SJ
- Paul Dickinson SJ
- E[dmund] G Dignam SJ
- William Cuthebert Donnelly SJ
- T[homas] P Dunphy SJ
- O[swald] Fishwick SJ
- Desmond Ford SJ
- J[oseph] C Furniss SJ
- John Gillick SJ
- Patrick [Gilligan] SJ
- D[eryck] Hanshell SJ
- James Higgins SJ
- John Hill SJ
- Geoffrey Holt SJ
- Henry Keane SJ
- Cuthbert F King SJ
- Barney Malone SJ
- H[ubert] McEvoy SJ
- William Lawson SJ
- [Hugo] McElrone
- W[illiam] F Neylan SJ
- W Pail[urz]
- Archbishop Thomas Roberts SJ
- Phelim Rooney SJ
- Anthony A Stephenson SJ
- Clement Tigar SJ
- Patrick Treanor SJ
- Vincent [Turner]
- R[obert] Walmsley SJ.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.
DS/UK/1013Treanor; Patrick (1920-1978); Jesuit Priest1920-1978
DS/UK/680Tigar; Clement (1892-1976); Jesuit Priest1892-1976
DS/UK/667Roberts; Thomas d'Esterre (1893-1976); Roman Catholic Archbishop; Jesuit Priest1893-1976
DS/UK/650Lawson; William (1904-1991); Jesuit Priest1904-1991
DS/UK/132Holt; Thomas Geoffrey (1912-2009); Jesuit Priest1912-2009
DS/UK/527Hill; John (1889-1964); Jesuit Priest1889-1964
DS/UK/506Hanshell; Deryck (1913-1994); Jesuit Priest1913-1994
DS/UK/469Gilligan; Patrick (1886-1959); Jesuit Brother1886-1959
DS/UK/951Gillick; John (1916-2005); Jesuit Priest1916-2005
DS/UK/444Furniss; Joseph (1880-1951); Jesuit Priest1880-1951
DS/UK/437Ford; Desmond (1915-1980); Jesuit Priest1915-1980
DS/UK/424Fishwick; Oswald (1910-1989); Jesuit Priest1910-1989
DS/UK/381Dunphy; Thomas (1913-1989); Jesuit Priest1913-1989
DS/UK/361Donnelly; William Cuthbert (1901-1977); Jesuit Priest1901-1977
DS/UK/355Dignam; Edmund (1903-1986); Jesuit Priest1903-1986
DS/UK/336d'Andria; William (1895-1977); Jesuit Priest1895-1977
DS/UK/315Crane; Paul (1910-1997); Jesuit Priest1910-1997
DS/UK/258Christie; James (1909-1970); Jesuit Priest1909-1970
DS/UK/45Barrett; George (1879-1962); Jesuit Priest1879-1962
DS/UK/159Bellanti; Luke Eli (1882-1955); Jesuit Priest1882-1955
DS/UK/186Booth; Kevin (1906-1977); Jesuit Priest1906-1977
DS/UK/991Bulbeck; Robert Andrew (1914-2007); Jesuit Priest1914-2007
DS/UK/50Basset; Bernard (1909-1988); Jesuit Priest1909-1988
DS/UK/1099Cowderoy; Cyril Conrad (1905-1976); Roman Catholic Archbishop1905-1976
DS/UK/351Devlin; Christopher (1907-1961); Jesuit Priest1907-1961
DS/UK/1104Dickinson; Paul (1914-2002); Jesuit Priest1914-2002
DS/UK/1147Higgins; James (1903-1989); Jesuit Brother1903-1989
DS/UK/1168Keane; Henry (1876-1956); Jesuit Priest1876-1956
DS/UK/1085King; Cuthbertus (1884-1967); Jesuit Priest1884-1967
DS/UK/1189Malone; Bernard Aloysius (1890-1963); Jesuit Priest1890-1963
DS/UK/1197McElrone; Hugh (1905-1980); Jesuit Brother1905-1980
DS/UK/1198McEvoy; Hubert (1899-1973); Jesuit Priest1899-1973
DS/UK/1180Neylan; William F (1895-1966); Jesuit Priest1895-1966
DS/UK/1222Rooney; Phelim (1904-1975); Jesuit Priest1904-1975
DS/UK/1259Turner; Vincent (1912-1996); Jesuit Priest1912-1996
DS/UK/1265Walmsley; Robert (1901-1965); Jesuit Priest1901-1965

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