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Fr Richard Garrold SJ (1874-1920)
Sub fonds
Fr Richard Philip Garrold was born at Hereford in 1874 and educated at a private school on the Welsh border. He went to study law in London, and before he took his finals he was received into the church by Fr Christie at the Oratory in 1896. He found his Jesuit vocation at Manresa and entered his noviceship in 1897. After further studies at Manresa and Stonyhurst, he went to Oxford for four years, took an honours degree in history and came to teach at St Francis Xavier's under Fr John McHale SJ, during the rectorship of Fr Joseph Browne SJ. He was ordained at St Beuno's in 1912, and then went to Tullamore, Ireland, to do his third year of probation. He taught history for the next few years, but then he volunteered for war service. His application as turned down twice, but finally he was appointed to a chaplaincy and went to the West Front. After a few months he got a slight face-wound from an exploding grenade, and was allowed sick leave. After a brief recovery time he returned to service, now in East Africa. During this time he contracted a bacterial poisoning which led to his death two years later. He also served in Mesopotamia in the cavalry, where he was infected with malaria and was invalided to India. He was able to visit Poona and Trichinopoly for a few weeks, and then was finally ordered home. In July he was reappointed to the St Francis Xavier's College as a history teacher. He was described as seeming often unwell and feverish during this time, and he overworked himself publishing the college magazine until he went to Stonyhurst for a change around Easter time. It was there he got notice that he was to succeed Fr David Bearne as Editor of The Messenger. He was not long at Wimbledon before he went to Rome for the canonization of St Margaret Mary, and returned home very ill, suffering from complications with the diseases he picked up during his time in service. He was sent to the sanatorium at Petworth, where his condition gradually worsened until he died on the 7 July 1920. Garrold wrote five books and several short stories.
Related Material
- The death of Fr Garrold is mentioned in a letter to the Socius from Fr William MacMahon, Rome, 23 July 1920, at BN/6
- For a letter to Fr Herbert Thurston SJ, 30 June 1903, see DY/3
- For a letter to Fr John Pollen SJ, 7 May 1904, see RD/1
- For letter regarding memoir, see Blackett letter book vol. 11, f.111, 1921
- For accounts with Sands & Co. publishers, 1934, see 28/5/6/11
- C C Martindale SJ, 'Richard Philip Garrold SJ, a Memoir...' (1921)
The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.
- Richard Philip Garrold SJ, 'A Fourth Form Boy: A day school story' (London: 1910)
- Richard Philip Garrold SJ, 'The Black Brotherhood and Some of its Sisters: a story of home and school' (London: 1912)
- Richard Philip Garrold SJ, 'The Boys if St Batt's: a day-school story' (London: 1914)
- Richard Philip Garrold SJ, 'The Man's Hands and Other Stories,' 3rd ed. (LOndon: 1914)
Garrold; Richard (1874-1920); Jesuit Priest
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