RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/SJ/77
TitleFr Desmond Donovan SJ (1927-1978)
LevelSub fonds
DescriptionThis collection containscorrespondence regarding Fr Donovan's mother, documents relating to his final vows, articles about his disappearance and telexes connected with it.
Admin_HistoryFr Desmond Donovan, known as Gus, was educated at St Michael's College Leeds and was evacuated to St Aidan's, Grahamstown. He returned to St Aidan's after tertianship before learning Shona and going to St Peter's, Harari. Then he was made Superior of Musami, during which time he represented the Mission at the Province Assembly. He spent a year at Wimbledon and then returned to Makumbi. He was interested in science and mechanics. In January 1978, while going between Chakaoma and making a sick call, he disappeared.
Related MaterialArchives:
- For photographs see SJ/PH/334

- For obituary see Letters and Notices vol. 84, pp. 101-108
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.
DS/UK/363Donovan; Desmond (1927-1978); Jesuit Priest1927-1978

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