
RepositoryJesuits in Britain Archives
Ref NoABSI/SJ/51/6
DescriptionWalker intended to publish a work on cosmology for the Stonyhurst Series. Walker also later approached Allen & Unwin to publish a monograph on the subject. The first 13 chapters were completed around 1926 but the work was never published. Walker continued to work on his theory throughout his lifetime. He produced drafts in 1940, 1948 and 1956 under the titles 'A Geometry of Particles' and 'A New Theory of Matter'. Fr Francis Keegan studied some of these drafts in 1959: for full context of Walker's work on cosmology see Keegan's article in 'Letters and Notices' 64, pp. 82-86. Wherever possible Walker's original file names have been retained.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to archive material in the Jesuits in Britain Archives.

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