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ALBSI - Archives Library
A - Antiquarian Book Collection
1 - Pensées du pere Bourdalouë, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Sur divers sujets de religion & de morale. Tome premier.
2 - Pensées du pere Bourdalouë, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Sur divers sujets de religion & de morale. Tome second.
3 - Retraite de dix jours selon le vertitable dessein de Saint Ignace
4 - The Holy Court in five tomes: the first, treating of Motives, which should excite men of quality to Christian Perfection. The second, of the Prelate, Souldier, States-man, and Lady. The third, of Maxims of Christianity against Prophanesse, divided into three parts, viz. divinity, government of this life and state of the otehr world. The fourth, containing the command of reason over the passions. The fifth, containing the lives of the most famous and illustrious courtiers; taken both out of the Old and New Testament, and other modern authours. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, S.J. Translated into English by Sir T. H. and others.
5 - Sermons prechez devant Son Altesse Roiale madame la duchesse d'York, par le R. P. Claude de La Colombiere, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Edition, misse en meilleur francois. Tome premier.
6 - Sermons prechez devant Son Altesse Roiale madame la duchesse d'York, par le R. P. Claude de La Colombiere, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Edition, misse en meilleur francois. Tome second.
7 - Sermons prechez devant Son Altesse Roiale madame la duchesse d'York, par le R. P. Claude de La Colombiere, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Edition, misse en meilleur francois. Tome troisieme.
8 - Sermons prechez devant Son Altesse Roiale madame la duchesse d'York, par le R. P. Claude de La Colombiere, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Edition, misse en meilleur francois. Tome quatrieme
9 - Sermons prechez devant Son Altesse Roiale madame la duchesse d'York, par le R. P. Claude de La Colombiere, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Edition, misse en meilleur francois. Tome cinquieme.
10 - Sermons prechez devant Son Altesse Roiale madame la duchesse d'York, par le R. P. Claude de La Colombiere, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Edition, misse en meilleur francois. Tome sixieme.
11 - Memoirs and observations, topographical, physical, mathematical, mechanical, natural, civil and ecclesiastical. Made in a late journey through the Empire of China, and published in several letters. Particularly upon the Chinese pottery and varnishing; the silk and other manufactures; the pearl fishing; the history of plants and animals; with a description of their cities and publick works; number of people; their language, manners and commerce; their habits, oeconomy, and government. The philosophy of confucius. The state of Christianity, and many other Curious and useful remarks. Translated from the Paris edition, and illustrated with figures.
12 - A relation of the Conference between William Laud, late Lord Archbishop and Mr Fisher the Jesuite, by the Command of King James, of ever-blessed memory. With an answer to such exceptions as A. C. takes against it.
13 - De iustitia et iure, ceterisque virtutibus, cardinalibus libri quatuor: Ad 2.2. D. Thomae, à quaest. 47 usque ad quaest. 171. English translation of title: On Justice and Law
14 - The Catholic-Scripturist: or the Plea of the Roman Catholics shewing the scriptures to hold the Roman Faith in above forty of the chief controversies now under debate
15 - A Christian Directory guiding men to their eternal salvation devided into three books. The first whereof apperteining to Resolution, is only conteyned in this volume, devided into two partes, and set forth now again with many corrections, and additions. There is also a method for the use of all; with two tables.
16 - The Jesuit's Memorial for the intended reformation of England under their first Popish Prince. Published form the copy that was presented to the late Kling James II. With an introduction and some animadversions by Edward Gee, Rector of St Benedict Paul's-Wharf and Chaplain in Ordinary to their Majesties
17 - Traduction de l'Italien du P Segnery, de la Compagnie de Jesus, par le P Leau, de la meme Compagnie, Tome Sixieme, Seconde Partie
18 - Volume also includes 'A continuation of the History of Passive Obedience since the reformation (1690) and an appendix.
19 - Secreta Monita Societatis Iesu, The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
20a - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae, stylo veteri conformis
20b - [Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae]
20c - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae
20d - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae
20e - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae
20f - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae
20g - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae
20h - Ordo recitandi officii divini et missæ celebrandae
20i - The Laity's Directory: for the church service on Sundays and Holy days, for the year of our Lord MDCCXCII. Being a leap year. To which is added the colours of the church, the proper psalms at Vespers and Complin, times for gaining indulgences, obituary, and new year's gift.
20j - The Laity's Directory: for the church service on Sundays and Holy days, for the year of our Lord MDCCXCI. Being the third after leap year. To which is added the colours of the church, the proper psalms at Vespers and Complin, times for gaining indulgences, obituary, and new year's gift.
21 - The travels of several learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America. Containing a general description of the most remarkable towns; with a particular account of the customs, manners and religion of those several nations, the whole interspers'd with philosophical observations and other curious remarks. Translated from the French original published at Paris in the Year 1713.
22 - Letters between the Ld George Digby, and Sr Kenelm Digby Kt, concerning Religion.
23a - Le consolateur des âmes scrupuleuses; avec un recueil de consolations pour les pusillanimes du R P Louys de Blois & autres docteurs de l'eglise. Plus la maniere d'acquerir la divine grace & les degrez pour y parvenir
23b - La maniere d'acquerir la divine grace, et les degrez pour y parvenir. Traduit d'Italien en Francais par I Blancone
24 - The life of our blessed Lord and Saviour Iesus. Gathered out of the venerable and famous doctor, Saint Bonaventure, and out of divers other rare, renowned and Catholic doctors. Augmented with twentie five whole chapters: each one enriched with manie most excellent and divine documents
25a - An account of the injurious proceedings of Sir George Jeffreys Knt late recorder of London against Francis Smith, Bookseller, with his arbitrary carriage towards the Grand-Jury, at Guildhall, Sept.16.1680. Upon an indictment then exhibited against the said Francis Smith, for publishing a pretended libel; entitled, an act of common council for retrenching the expences of the Lord Mayor and sheriffs of the city of London, &c. together with an abstract of very many former Losses, and publick sufferings sustained by him both in his person and estate. Humbly submitted to the consideration of all true English-men.
25b - A collection of the substance of several speeches and debates made in the honourable House of Commons, relating to the horrid Popish Plot, upon occasion of the bill for disabling James Duke of York from inheriting the imperial crown of this realm. To which is prefixt a speech of the Noble Lord L--- against Roger L'Estrange, in the House of Peers: and also a copy of two bills, the one for disabling James D. of York, the other for ease to all Protestant dissenters, by taking away the Stat.23 & 28. Q. Eliz. & 3. K. Jam. &c. which passed the House of Commons last session of Parliament, begun at Westminster the 21. Nov. and dissolved by proclamation 18.Jan.1680. Published to prevent the abuses of written copies.
25c - The information of Capt. Hen. Wilkinson, of what hath passed betwixt him and some other persons, who have attempted to prevail with him to swear high treason against the Earl of Shrewsbury
25d - The further information of Stephen Dugdale, Gent. delivered at the Bar of the House of Commons. Pursuant to an order of the said House, on the 30th of October, 1680.
25e - The information of Stephen Dugdale, Gent. Delivered at the Bar of the House of Commons, Monday the first day of November, in the year of our Lord 1680. Perused and signed to be printed, according to the order of the House of Commons, by me William Williams, speaker.
25f - The information of Thomas Dangerfield, Gent. Delivered at the Bar of the House of Commons, Tuesday the twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord 1680. Perused and signed to be printed, according to the order of the House of Commons, by me William Williams, Speaker.
25g - In the King’s bench, Trin. 36 Carol. II by indictment
26 - Anatomia Societatis Jesu: seu probatio spiritus Jesuitarum. Item, arcana imperii jesuitici cum instructione secretissima pro superioribus ejusdem. Et deliciarum jesuiticarum specimina: tandem divina oracula de societatis exitv. Ad excitandam regum et principum catholicorum attentionem utilissima
27 - A book of Bertram the priest concerning the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament written in Latin by the Command of the emperour Charles the Great above nine hundred years ago, and first translated into English, in 1549.
L - Library Collection
P - Pamphlet Collection
S - Periodical Collections
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