Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse SCA - Scottish Catholic ArchivesSCA - Scottish Catholic Archives
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Expand DAB - Diocese of AberdeenDAB - Diocese of Aberdeen
Expand DD - Diocese of DunkeldDD - Diocese of Dunkeld
Expand DE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and EdinburghDE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh
Expand DG - Diocese of GallowayDG - Diocese of Galloway
Expand DM - Diocese of MotherwellDM - Diocese of Motherwell
Expand ED - Eastern District VicariateED - Eastern District Vicariate
Expand GC - Gifted Compilations: Research work by IndividualsGC - Gifted Compilations: Research work by Individuals
Expand GD - Gifts and DepositsGD - Gifts and Deposits
Collapse MB - Marist BrothersMB - Marist Brothers
Expand 1 - Provincial administration1 - Provincial administration
Expand 3 - History and spirituality3 - History and spirituality
Collapse 4 - Provincials' General Correspondence and Papers4 - Provincials' General Correspondence and Papers
Expand 1 - Brother Procope1 - Brother Procope
Expand 2 - Brother James2 - Brother James
Expand 3 - Brother Bonaventura3 - Brother Bonaventura
Expand 4 - Brother Eldrad4 - Brother Eldrad
Expand 5 - Brother Cyprian Edward5 - Brother Cyprian Edward
Expand 6 - Brother Liguori6 - Brother Liguori
Expand 7 - Brother Kenneth7 - Brother Kenneth
Collapse 8 - Brother Conrad8 - Brother Conrad
Collapse 1 - Letters to Brother Conrad Provincial1 - Letters to Brother Conrad Provincial
1 - Letter from Brother Beckett regarding a general update from New Guinea
2 - Letter from Brother Enda regarding an update from Strokestown and passing on wishes to Brothers in Nigeria
3 - Letter from P. Wallis, e.s.sp, regarding request for teaching Brothers for Nairobi
7 - Letters from Brother Sébastiani, Assistant General
9 - Letters from Brother Joannès-Eugène, Secretary General
10 - Letter from Brother Régis-Aimé, Assistant General, regarding the recent Provincial election and accounts
11 - Letters from Brother Alessandro, Assistant General
12 - Letters from Brother Paul Ambrose, Assistant General
13 - Letter from Brother Hilary, Assistant General, regarding translations of the new Office
14 - Letter from Brother Teresiano regarding a general update
17 - Letter from Brother Donald, Western Australia, regarding exchange of Brothers in Australia
19 - Letter from Brother Clare regarding pension concessions
20 - Letter from Joseph McGee regarding use of Father for retreats
21 - Letter from W. […] Campbell, Archbishop of Glasgow, regarding invitation to Pontifical High Mass
22 - Letter from Chancellor, Archdiocese of Glasgow, acknowledging receipt of letter
23 - Letter from Hermano Godofredo, Provincial, Argentina, regarding sending Argentinian Brothers to Britain
24 - Letter from Frère A. Vallet, Provincial, Notre-Dame de l'Hermitage, regarding sharing of documents and information
25 - Letters from Brother Kenneth regarding general updates
26 - Letters from Depute Director of Education, Corporation of Glasgow, regarding appointments of Brothers in schools in Glasgow
27 - Letters from Brother Liguori regarding pensions and thoughts on training of Brothers
28 - Letters from Brother Simon-Henri, Économe Général [General Bursar], regarding accounts
29 - Circular letter from Fr. Armand Millot, Provincial, regarding general update
30 - Letters from R. Maguire, Cook & Co, Solicitors & Notaries, regarding numerous legal matters with properties
31 - Letters from O'Hare & Quigley, Solicitors, regarding remission of rates at properties
33 - Letter from Brother Leon Benigno, Mar del Plata, regarding general update
35 - Letters from Brother Dorotheus regarding general updates
36 - Letter from Brother Charles Raphael, Superior General, regarding admission of Brother
37 - Circular letter from Brother Rémi, Director of Centre Champagnat, N-D de l'Hermitage, regarding upcoming projects at the centre
38 - Letter from Frère […]ite, St Paul Chateaux, regarding request for help
41 - Letter from Brother Philippe, Provincial House, Singapore, regarding general update
42 - Letter from M. Ward, St. Mary's, Glasgow, regarding help to set up Religious House in Parish
46 - Letters from Brother Kenneth regarding updates from Britain
47 - Letter from Brother Wilfrid, S. S. Arcadia, Fremantle, Australia, regarding general update
48 - Letter from Brother Benoit Fortin, Québec, regarding potential stay in London
49 - Letter from Brother Peter regarding update
50 - Letters from Frere Jean-Léon[?], Beaucamps and Bovines, regarding visits of French Brothers in Britain
51 - Letter from Lorenzo McGovern, Minister, Legación de la República Argentina [Legate of the Republic of Argentina], expressing thanks for hospitality during time in Ireland
52 - Letter from Rev. FR. H. Mertens, Education Secretary, Catholic Schools, Accra, Ghana, requesting help at Teacher Training Colleges
53 - Letter from Brother John Ogilvie, St. Benet's, regarding permission to publish a brochure to celebrate Glasgow Marist Centenary
54 - Letters from Francis Walsh, Diocese of Aberdeen, regarding general updates including potential work for Brothers at schools in the Diocese
55 - Letters from John P. Cremin, Parish of St Agatha, regarding help with schools in the Parish
56 - Letters from Brother Paul Edward regarding move to Johannesburg
57 - Letter from Brother Becket, Marist Brothers' College, Observatory, Johannesburg, regarding general update
58 - Letters from Brother Conall, Scholasticate, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, regarding potential volunteers
59 - Letters from Brother Edwin, Provincial, Johannesburg, South Africa, regarding payments for novices and postulants
60 - Letter from Brother Edmund, St. Henry's High School, Durban, regarding potential stay at Hostel in Glasgow
Expand 2 - Letters from Brother Conrad Provincial2 - Letters from Brother Conrad Provincial
3 - Brother Conrad Provincial general papers
Expand 9 - Brother Gall9 - Brother Gall
Expand 10 - Brother Arthur10 - Brother Arthur
Expand 11 - Brother John11 - Brother John
Expand 12 - Brother Lucas12 - Brother Lucas
Expand 13 - Brother Lewis13 - Brother Lewis
Expand 14 - Brother Chris14 - Brother Chris
Expand 15 - Brother Ronnie15 - Brother Ronnie
Expand 16 - Brother Jacques16 - Brother Jacques
Expand 17 - Brother Tatianus17 - Brother Tatianus
Expand 18 - Brother John Dullea18 - Brother John Dullea
Expand 19 - Brother Joseph McKee19 - Brother Joseph McKee
Expand 5 - London communities5 - London communities
Expand 6 - Glasgow communities6 - Glasgow communities
Expand 7 - Dundee communities7 - Dundee communities
Expand 8 - Dumfries communities8 - Dumfries communities
Expand 9 - St Bede's School, Jarrow9 - St Bede's School, Jarrow
Expand 10 - St Mary's School, Edinburgh10 - St Mary's School, Edinburgh
Expand 11 - St Mary's College, Grove Ferry, Canterbury11 - St Mary's College, Grove Ferry, Canterbury
Expand 12 - Greenock Community12 - Greenock Community
Expand 13 - Largs communities13 - Largs communities
Expand 14 - St. Chad's College, Wolverhampton community14 - St. Chad's College, Wolverhampton community
Expand 15 - Birmingham communities15 - Birmingham communities
Expand 16 - Ireland communities16 - Ireland communities
Expand 17 - General papers of Brothers in Nigeria17 - General papers of Brothers in Nigeria
Expand 18 - Orlu communities18 - Orlu communities
Expand 19 - Enugu communities19 - Enugu communities
Expand 20 - Uturu community20 - Uturu community
Expand 21 - Papers relating to Biafran War21 - Papers relating to Biafran War
Expand 22 - Cameroon communities22 - Cameroon communities
Expand 23 - Kenya communities23 - Kenya communities
Expand 24 - Ghana communities24 - Ghana communities
Expand 25 - Vocation and formation25 - Vocation and formation
Expand 26 - Postulants, Novices and Admission to vows26 - Postulants, Novices and Admission to vows
Expand 27 - Generalate27 - Generalate
Expand 28 - General education28 - General education
Expand 29 - Works written by Brothers29 - Works written by Brothers
Expand 30 - Affiliated Marists30 - Affiliated Marists
Expand 31 - Photographs31 - Photographs
Expand 32 - News cuttings and papers from events32 - News cuttings and papers from events
Expand 33 - Slides and other media33 - Slides and other media
Expand MC - St Margaret's ConventMC - St Margaret's Convent
Expand MF - MicrofilmsMF - Microfilms
Expand MM - Miscellaneous ManuscriptsMM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Expand MP - Missions and ParishesMP - Missions and Parishes
Expand PG - Photographic Collection PG - Photographic Collection
Expand SmP - Small PrintedSmP - Small Printed

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