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Collapse ABSI - Jesuits in Britain ArchivesABSI - Jesuits in Britain Archives
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Expand LH - Loyola Hall LH - Loyola Hall
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Collapse PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)PC - Parishes (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand 1 - Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London (Cataloguing in Progress)1 - Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London (Cataloguing in Progress)
Expand 2 - Sacred Heart, Wimbledon2 - Sacred Heart, Wimbledon
Collapse 3 - Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, Manchester (Cataloguing in progress)3 - Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, Manchester (Cataloguing in progress)
Collapse 1 - Architectural plans1 - Architectural plans
1 - Watercolour of church interior
2 - Watercolour of church interior
3 - Designs for capitals and bases of supporting shafts
4 - Drawing of window over transept arch and flying buttress over north and south aisle
5 - Detail of nave arches
6 - Detail drawing of elevation to confessional and capitals
7 - Plan for chapel exterior
8 - Details for chantry chapel capitals and tracery
9 - Details for baptistry floor plan, arches and groining over aisle
10 - Details of arches
11 - Drawing for aisle windows
12 - Sketch of perspective view of church interior
13 - Full size details of ringing chamber windows
14 - Drawing of gallery front towards nave
15 - Details of tower roof
16 - Drawing of and information about church doors and their placement
17 - Small drawing of baptismal font
18 - Detail drawing of chantry chapel, tracery and windows
19 - Design for railings and notices board
20 - Details of tower roof
21 - Full size details of stair turret roof moulding
22 - Details of ringing chamber and organ gallery arches
23 - Partial sketch of church floor plan
24 - Sketch of arches
25 - Drawing for piscinas in transept chapels
26 - Full size details for teracotta work in transept
27 - Sketch showing layout of church buldings and section of organ gallery
28 - Drawings of ash windows
29 - Drawing of doorways and moulding in sanctuary
30 - Full size ringing chamber windows details
31 - Coping, pier and gateway plan
32 - Detail of interior and exterior of windows in tower gallery and their capitals
33 - Plan for gentlemen's toilets in Holy Name Club, Dover Street Manchester
34 - Existing (1970) bar layout of the Holy Name Parochial Hall
35 - Proposed bar layout for the Holy Name Parochial Hall
36 - Details of terra cotta and tinted brown stone sections
37 - Drawing of shafts supporting tower arch, capitals, string course and moulding
38 - Drawing of church exterior spires and partial floor plan
39 - Details of alterpiece and large decorative frame
40 - Details of niche and sunk panels outside baptistry
41 - Detail of window, cross, pedestal in niches and coping to main gable
42 - Full and half floor plans of church interior
43 - Details of niches to buttresses at ringing chamber level
44 - Baptistry cross section, details of baptistry windows, finial and arcading
45 - Details of eaves of falling staircase, baptistry moulding, finial and buttress
46 - Plan for proposed railings outside church
47 - Sketch of proposed palisade wall outside church
48 - Complete ground and first floor plan of Holy Name Hall
49 - Cross section and floor plan of 'existing' (1970) layout of Holy Name Club
50 - Floor plan of extensions to toilet accomodation in Holy Name Club
51 - Floor plan of gentlemen's toilets in Holy Name Club
52 - Floor plan of gentlemen's toilets in Holy Name Club
53 - Design for Olea Sancra in Baptistry
54 - Detail of flying buttress against tower
55 - Colour design for mosaic floor pattern
56 - Perspective view sketch of church interior
57 - Design for columns and row of arches
58 - Design for high altar
59 - Design for candlestick holders, chandelier and lanterns
60 - Design for south exterior and section through nave looking west
61 - Block plan of high altar with designs for treads, risers and mosaic floor
62 - Detail for cross on transept gables and sanctuary window tracery heads
63 - Sections under church floor and sketch of floor plan
64 - Drawing for Sanctus turret and various cross sections
65 - Details for niches, finials, capitals and arcading in transept walls
66 - Full size drawings of capitals, bases and sanctuary piers
67 - Detail drawing and section of niche and clerestory window in transept. Full size detail of capital, base and band of exterior shaft
68 - Full size drawing of base courses
69 - Design for pulpit
70 - Drawing for piscinas in transept chapels and full size detail
71 - Cross section through tower looking east and half plan through aisle windows
72 - Design for arches, their supporting columns and decorative moulding
73 - Details of carved sanctuary window sills, terra cotta work
74 - Cross section through tower looking east and foundations
75 - Floor plans
76 - Drawings of west porch under tower and its door
77 - Cross section through tower looking north
78 - Roof plan
79 - Plan of foundations
80 - Half plan through clerestory and aisle windows
81 - Detail of sanctuary windows and buttresses
82 - Drawing for confessional doors
83 - Sketch of vaulting shaft capitals and other plans
84 - Details of groining
85 - Design for terra cotta string under gallery windows
86 - Holy Name Hall first and ground floor heating plan
87 - Drawing for bands in webbing under organ gallery
88 - Design for terracotta work for transept chapel
89 - Detail of windows and their capitals
90 - Sketch of columns and arches
91 - Full size details of stair turret roof
92 - Details of ringing chamber floor
93 - Detail of south and east elevation
94 - Design for architectural motif [?] showing male figure, possibly Christ, surrounded by a wreath and Latin text
95 - Correspondance between Fr Battersby and Mr Fielding, Manager of Lancashire Barfitters Limited, about an invitation to visit showrooms
96 - Sketch of church exterior and floor plan
97 - Letter from Henry John Hansom, District Surveyor of North Battersea, to his father, Joseph Aloysius Hansom
98 - Colour sketch of the Last Supper
99 - Letter from Henry John Hansom, District Surveyor of North Battersea, to his father, Joseph Aloysius Hansom: transcript
100 - Rough skecthes
101 - Rough sketch
102 - Rough sketches
103 - Sanctuary floor plan
104 - Rough sketches of altar
105 - Rough sketch of a floor plan
106 - Sketch of area in church and calculations
107 - Rough sketch of arches
108 - Rough sketch of church exterior and small floor plan
109 - Rough sketch
110 - Calculations, costs and dates
111 - Rough sketches with calculations on other side
112 - Fragment piece of a plan
113 - Plan for confessionals
114 - Plan for end of south transept
115 - Sketch of cross section of baptistery
116 - Strengthening to foundations of tower piers plan
117 - Details of finials
118 - Plan for sanctuary floor
119 - Drawing of St Joseph statue on a pedestal in a niche
120 - Designs for crosses on front and back sides
121 - Selection of candlestick holder designs available for purchase
122 - Fragments of drawing of church exterior
123 - Drawing for bell tower and bell
124 - Details of gate
125 - Sketch of main tower
126 - Envelope labelled 'Church of the Holy Name Manchester'
127 - Rough sketch of altar and window
128 - Design of decorative element, iron gate
129 - Rough sketches of tower and window
130 - Drawings, prices and measurements of candlesticks
131 - Drawings for Baptistry cornice
132 - Organ gallery higher level floor plan
133 - Drawings of groin ribs in south porch and chantry chapels
134 - Drawing of decorative gold panel depicting one large and four small birds in centre
135 - Drawing of decorative blue, red and golden panel depicting four angels
136 - Drawing of decorative gold and red panel
137 - Drawing of decorative gold and blue panel
138 - Plan of area adjoined by Oxford Road, Ackers Street and Portsmouth Street with measurements
139 - Detail of base of column at angle of transept
140 - Fragment of plinth design
141 - Design for Sanctuary railings and communion columns
142 - Designs for grilles
143 - Fragmented plan of interior
144 - Details of spandrils and tympanums
145 - Sketch of stoupe under gallery
146 - Sketch for Altar of the Sacred Heart
147 - Encaustic tile paving for baptistry
148 - Floor plan with starcase
149 - IHS motif
150 - Details for communion rail and column on other side
151 - Design for sanctuary railings
152 - Colour design for transept clerestory stained glass windows
153 - Colour design for transept clerestory stained glass windows
154 - Detail for small niches in south transept
155 - Amended design for high altar
156 - Basement plan for church of Saints Anselme and Cecilia, Lincolns Inn Fields
157 - Amended design for high altar
158 - Details of clerestory and transept windows
159 - Design for the high altar (No.7)
160 - Design for pulpit
161 - Design for high altar (No. 6)
162 - Designs for font
163 - [Designs for ceiling elements]
164 - Plans of groining and shafts
165 - Plan for statue of St Peter on pedestal
166 - Details for terra cotta work in sanctuary
167 - Traceries, elevations of capitals, and groining of nave
168 - Details for terra cotta work in sanctuary
169 - Designs for decorative items on the roof above the sanctuary
170 - Details of niche over door in south porch
171 - Drawing for groining etc. under north portion of organ gallery
172 - Design for font
173 - Drawing of exterior of church
174 - Design for pulpit
175 - Drawing of transept windows and full size details of capitals
176 - Pulpit design
177 - Altar deign
178 - Sounding board design
179 - Design for altar of the sacred heart
180 - Details of niches on south porch
181 - Plan of groining and ribs to transept chapels roof
182 - Design for communion rail
183 - Detail for large boss in sanctuary groining
184 - Plan for temporary catholic chapel
185 - Detail of doorway leading to sacristy and sodality chapel
186 - Detail for cross over inner sanctuary arch
187 - Section through tower looking east
188 - Sanctuary arches
189 - Details of ringing chamber windows and organ gallery arches
190 - Sketches of church exterior
191 - Drawings for iron railings
192 - Detail of stand for monstrance
193 - Design for screen enclosing sanctuary
194 - Sketch of high altar
195 - Design for altar of the sacred heart
196 - Ceiling plan and sections of walls
197 - Scale floor plan of Baptistry
198 - Full size details for tera cotta in chapel
199 - Full size details of terra cotta sections and capitals, plan of baptistry groining, plan for gates and sections of baptistry
200 - Full size details of terra cotta in chapel
201 - Details of high altar, 1/4 full size
202 - Fragment of plan including full size column detail
203 - Details of bellchamber windows
204 - Section through nave looking west and plan for south exterior elevation
205 - Plan of west exterior elevation and section through tower looking north
206 - Sketch of church interior
207 - Full size details of arch, niche, finial, capital and buttress molding
208 - Details of bellchamber windows
209 - Section through nave looking west and plan for south exterior elevation
210 - Drawing for sanctuary arch details
211 - Plan for arches to transept chapels
212 - Design of crucifix
213 - Floor plans for Holy Name Hall
214 - Drawing of piers and arches to transept chapels
215 - Detail of steps to high altar
216 - Design for baptistry
217 - Drawing showing the groining windows
218 - Details of capitals and bases for west porch
219 - Drawing for the temporary finishing of tower
220 - Detail of doors in south porch and confessional passage
221 - Details of ringing chamber floor
222 - Details for groining
223 - Full size details of groining, capitals, bases and pedestals
224 - Detail for small niches in south transept
225 - Sketch for capitals supporting organ gallery
226 - Fragmented drawing from groining over first Bay in Sanctuary aisle
227 - Backings and miscellaneous tracing fragments
228 - Floor plan
229 - Details of flèche and bellchamber windows on north and south sides
230 - Details of flèche and bellchamber windows on north and south sides
231 - Map of streets and buildings surrounding Holy Name Church
232 - Map of streets and buildings surrounding Holy Name Church with blacked out shape over Campbell and Douglas Grove
Expand PU - PublicationsPU - Publications
Expand SA - South AfricaSA - South Africa
Expand SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)SJ - Members of the Society (Cataloguing in progress)
Expand WS - Other WorksWS - Other Works

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