Hierarchy Browser

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Expand DD - Diocese of DunkeldDD - Diocese of Dunkeld
Expand DE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and EdinburghDE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh
Expand DG - Diocese of GallowayDG - Diocese of Galloway
Expand DM - Diocese of MotherwellDM - Diocese of Motherwell
Expand ED - Eastern District VicariateED - Eastern District Vicariate
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Expand 5 - Circulars from Chavagnes5 - Circulars from Chavagnes
Expand 6 - Relics6 - Relics
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Expand 25 - Sacramental registers25 - Sacramental registers
Expand 26 - St Margarets Convent, Edinburgh finance26 - St Margarets Convent, Edinburgh finance
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Expand 30 - Charleston Estate management30 - Charleston Estate management
Expand 32 - Books and printed material32 - Books and printed material
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Collapse 34 - Relics and objects34 - Relics and objects
Expand 1 - Relics1 - Relics
Expand 2 - Miscellaneous objects2 - Miscellaneous objects
Expand 3 - Vestments3 - Vestments
Collapse 4 - Authentication and papers relating to Relics 4 - Authentication and papers relating to Relics
86 - Memorandum, Mary of Gueldres [1469]
88 - Authentication for a relic that was stolen in 1866
90 - Authentication for St Crescentia relic
91 - Collection of unalocated Authenticaions
A1 - Authentication for ture cross relic
A2 - Authentication for Relics of the Cross
A4 - Authentication for true Cross
A7 - Authentication for the Relic of hte True Cross
A8 - Authentication for the Relic of the True Cross
A10 - Authenticaion for St Thomes of Cantebury
A13 - Authentication for St Gertrude & St Teresa
A14 - Authentication for St Gerard Majella
B1 - Authentication for Column of Flagellation Tella Blessed Veronica relic
B2 - Authentication for Fragment from the Column of the Flagellation Relic
C1 - Authentications for St Francis Xavier; St Theresa; St Pius V; St Philomena VM; ST Augustine BCD; St Ignatius of Loyola
C2 - Authentication for St Francis of Assisi; St Philip of Neri; St Anthony of Patavina and St Margaritie Septempe Janie Viduoe relic
C3 - Authentication for St Aloysius Gonzaga; St Agnes; St Ursula; St Philomena; St Elizabeth; St Angela; Blessed Margaret Mary
C4 - Authentication for ST Ignatius of Loyola and others - C4
C5 - Authentication for Sepulcher of Our Lord House of Loretto and St Joseph; St Ignatius Loyola; St Francis Assisi; St Paul of the Cross; St Catherine of Sienna; St Peter Clover; St Francis Xavier; St Cecilia; St Agnes relic
C6 - Authentication for St Stephen; Sr Lawrence; Sr Cosus and Sr Damien
C7 - Authentication for St Alphonso; St Francis; St John St Piratical; St Jerome relic
C11 - Authenticaion for St Alphonso Lignin; ST Agnes and St Philomena; St Agatha; St Andrew; St Frances Larier; St Antony Abbot; St Victor; St Starinland; sty Frances Regis; St John of the cross relic
C14 - Letter Authentication of St Magdalene di Passi and others
C15 - Authenticaion of Ex domo B V Maria; Pallionu St Joseph; St Alphrnsus Lignrin; St Jeseda Vrigire
C16 - Authentication for St Ignatius Loyola; St Frances Xavier; and others - C16
C17 - Authentication of St Bonaventure; St Agatha; St Gertrude
C18 - Authentication for Ex Paesepe of Our Lord Jesus ; Ex Columm of the decollation of St Paul Bp; Bones of St Andrew and others
C19 - Authentication for the Reliquary used to hang on the altar of the Blessed Virgin in old sacristy Relic of St Ignatius, St Francis Xavier, St Bosnia, St Aloysius, St Stanislaw Koski
C20 - Authentication for Ex Sep B B Mary; Ex Pallis Sr Joseph;
D1 - Authenticaion for Column of Flagellation of Our Lady, St John the Baptist; St Peter; St Paul; St John Evangelist; St Philip; St Lawrence; St Alphonsus; St Francis Xavier; St Aloysius; St Teresa; St Stanislas relic
D2 - Authenticaion for Column of Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ; St Veronica; St Aloysius Gonzaga relic
E2 - Authentication for St Vincent de Paul and St Francis de Dalle
E4 - Authentication for St Andrew apostle and Alexander
E5 - Authenticaion for St Gregory; St Basil and St Jerome
E6 - AUthentication for St Francis Borgia, St Vincent de Paul, St Gregory the Great
E7 - Authentication for St Eutrope and St Eastella
E8 - Authentication for St Charles Boremore and Peter Charles
E9 - Authentication for St Lawrence and St Agnes
E10 - Authentication for Relic of St Thomas of Canterbury
E11 - Authentication for Sr Lucy and Sr Cyril
E13 - Authentication for St Gertrude & St Teresa relic
E14 - Authentication for St Ignatius; St Stephen; St Lawrence
E15 - Authenticaiton for Sr Norbert and B Herman relic
E16 - Authentication for the Sepulehse of Blessed Virgin Mary; St Agnes VM relic
E17 - Authenticaion for St Benedict and St Philip
E18 - Authentication for St Anne MVM and St Agnatic VM relic
F1 - Authentication for St Margaret of Cortona
F2 - Authentication for St Mary Magdalen, Penitent
F3 - Authentication for St France Jerome, Relic
F4 - Authentication for James the Great relic
F6 - Authentication for St Francis Assisi Relic
F7 - Authentication for St Angelo Manci relic
F8 - Authentication for St Francis Xavier relic
F9 - Authentication for St Augustine B C D relic
F11 - Authentication for B Veronica di Frlianis Relic
F12 - Authentication for St Vincent de Paul relic
F13 - Authentication for St James the Less relic
F14 - Authentication for St Basil B C D relic
F15 - Authentication for St Cajetan relic
F16 - Authentication for St Philip Neri relic
F17 - Authentication for St Philip of Neri
F18 - Authentication for St Benedict Labre relic
F19 - Authentication for St Colette Boilet Relic
F20 - Authentication for St Philomena, V M
F21 - Authentication for St Philomena VM relic
F23 - Authentication for St Norbert Relic
F24 - Authenticaion for St Gertrude V relic
F25 - Authentication for St Jane Frances Fermiot of Charitel relic
F26 - Authentication for St Catherine VM
F26 - Authentication for St Catherine VM relic
F27 - Authentication for St Aloysius Gonzaga relic
F28 - Authentication for St Aloysius Gonzaga relic
F29 - Authentication for St Isadore B D relic
F30 - Authentication for St Paul of the Cross Relic
F31 - Authentication for St Alphonsuis, Rodrig. relic
F32 - Authentication for St Peter apostle relic
F33 - Authentication for Ex Pallis St Josephis Spon B V M Relic
F35 - Authentication for St Andrew Aposlte relic
F36 - Authentication for St Ignatius of Loyola relic
F37 - Authentication for St Ignatius of Loyola Relic
F38 - Authentication for St Ignatius of Loyola relic
F39 - Authentication for St Francis Xavier relic
F40 - Authentication of Ex Pallio St Josephe relic
F41 - Authentication for St Vincent de Paul relic
F42 - Authenticaion for St Ignatius Loyola relic
F43 - Authentication for St Frances Assis
F44 - Letter of Authentication for Aloysius Gonzaga relic
F45 - Authentication for Ex Cilicio St M M de Pi relic
F46 - Notes on making Incense, F46
F47 - Authentication for St Mariae Gorettie relic
F48 - Authentication for St Aandrew the apostle relic
F49 - Authentication for St Dominic,
G3 - Authentication for St Anne & St Theresa
H1 - Authentication for St Catherine relic
H2 - Authentication for St Thomas of Canterbury relic
H3 - Letter found with relics from the Holy Land
H5 - Authentication for Holy Cross; B V Mary and Joseph etc. H5
M3 - St Edmund of Canterbury
M4 - Authentication of St Vincent De Paul relic etc. M4
Expand MF - MicrofilmsMF - Microfilms
Expand MM - Miscellaneous ManuscriptsMM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Expand MP - Missions and ParishesMP - Missions and Parishes
Expand PG - Photographic Collection PG - Photographic Collection
Expand SmP - Small PrintedSmP - Small Printed

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